Spatial M6

class SpatialM6(value)[source]

Bases: spatialmath.spatialvector.SpatialVector

Spatial 6-vector abstract motion superclass

Abstract superclass that represents the vector space for spatial motion.


SpatialVelocity(), SpatialAcceleration()


Spatial vector cross product


other (SpatialM6 instance) – spatial motion vector


cross product of spatial vectors

Return type

SpatialF6 instance if other is SpatialF6 instance

Return type

SpatialM6 instance if other is SpatialM6 instance

v1.cross(v2) is a spatial vector cross product whose result depends on the SpatialVector subclass of v2:

  • if \(\vec{m} \in \mat{M}^6\) is a spatial motion vector fixed in a body with velocity \(\vec{v}\) then \(\dvec{m} = \vec{v} \times \vec{m}\) or the crm() function.

  • if \(\vec{f} \in \mat{F}^6\) is a spatial force vector fixed in a body with velocity \(\vec{v}\) then \(\dvec{f} = \vec{v} \times^* \vec{f}\) or the crm() function.