Source code for spatialmath.DualQuaternion

from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from spatialmath import Quaternion, UnitQuaternion, SE3
from spatialmath import base
from spatialmath.base.types import *

# TODO scalar multiplication

[docs]class DualQuaternion: r""" A dual number is an ordered pair :math:`\hat{a} = (a, b)` or written as :math:`a + \epsilon b` where :math:`\epsilon^2 = 0`. A dual quaternion can be considered as either: - a quaternion with dual numbers as coefficients - a dual of quaternions, written as an ordered pair of quaternions The latter form is used here. :References: - - .. warning:: Unlike the other spatial math classes, this class does not (yet) support multiple values per object. :seealso: :func:`UnitDualQuaternion` """
[docs] def __init__(self, real: Quaternion = None, dual: Quaternion = None): """ Construct a new dual quaternion :param real: real quaternion :type real: Quaternion or UnitQuaternion :param dual: dual quaternion :type dual: Quaternion or UnitQuaternion :raises ValueError: incorrect parameters Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> print(d) >>> d = DualQuaternion([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) >>> print(d) The dual number is stored internally as two quaternion, respectively called ``real`` and ``dual``. """ if real is None and dual is None: self.real = None self.dual = None return elif dual is None and base.isvector(real, 8): self.real = Quaternion(real[0:4]) self.dual = Quaternion(real[4:8]) elif real is not None and dual is not None: if not isinstance(real, Quaternion): raise ValueError("real part must be a Quaternion subclass") if not isinstance(dual, Quaternion): raise ValueError("real part must be a Quaternion subclass") self.real = real # quaternion, real part self.dual = dual # quaternion, dual part else: raise ValueError("expecting zero or two parameters")
[docs] @classmethod def Pure(cls, x: ArrayLike3) -> Self: x = base.getvector(x, 3) return cls(UnitQuaternion(), Quaternion.Pure(x))
def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def __str__(self) -> str: """ String representation of dual quaternion :return: compact string representation :rtype: str Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> str(d) """ return str(self.real) + " + ε " + str(self.dual)
[docs] def norm(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Norm of a dual quaternion :return: Norm as a dual number :rtype: 2-tuple The norm of a ``UnitDualQuaternion`` is unity, represented by the dual number (1,0). Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> d.norm() # norm is a dual number """ a = self.real * self.real.conj() b = self.real * self.dual.conj() + self.dual * self.real.conj() return (base.sqrt(a.s), base.sqrt(b.s))
[docs] def conj(self) -> Self: r""" Conjugate of dual quaternion :return: Conjugate :rtype: DualQuaternion There are several conjugates defined for a dual quaternion. This one mirrors conjugation for a regular quaternion. For the dual quaternion :math:`(p, q)` it returns :math:`(p^*, q^*)`. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> d.conj() """ return DualQuaternion(self.real.conj(), self.dual.conj())
[docs] def __add__( left, right: DualQuaternion ) -> Self: # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Sum of two dual quaternions :return: Product :rtype: DualQuaternion Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> d + d """ return DualQuaternion(left.real + right.real, left.dual + right.dual)
[docs] def __sub__( left, right: DualQuaternion ) -> Self: # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Difference of two dual quaternions :return: Product :rtype: DualQuaternion Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> d - d """ return DualQuaternion(left.real - right.real, left.dual - right.dual)
[docs] def __mul__(left, right: Self) -> Self: # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Product of dual quaternion - ``dq1 * dq2`` is a dual quaternion representing the product of ``dq1`` and ``dq2``. If both are unit dual quaternions, the product will be a unit dual quaternion. - ``dq * p`` transforms the point ``p`` (3) by the unit dual quaternion ``dq``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> d * d """ if isinstance(right, DualQuaternion): real = left.real * right.real dual = left.real * right.dual + left.dual * right.real if isinstance(left, UnitDualQuaternion) and isinstance( left, UnitDualQuaternion ): return UnitDualQuaternion(real, dual) else: return DualQuaternion(real, dual) elif isinstance(left, UnitDualQuaternion) and base.isvector(right, 3): v = base.getvector(right, 3) vp = left * DualQuaternion.Pure(v) * left.conj() return vp.dual.v
[docs] def matrix(self) -> R8x8: """ Dual quaternion as a matrix :return: Matrix represensation :rtype: ndarray(8,8) Dual quaternion multiplication can also be written as a matrix-vector product. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> d.matrix() >>> d.matrix() @ d.vec >>> d * d """ return np.block( [[self.real.matrix, np.zeros((4, 4))], [self.dual.matrix, self.real.matrix]] )
@property def vec(self) -> R8: """ Dual quaternion as a vector :return: Vector represensation :rtype: ndarray(8) Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, Quaternion >>> d = DualQuaternion(Quaternion([1,2,3,4]), Quaternion([5,6,7,8])) >>> d.vec """ return np.r_[self.real.vec, self.dual.vec]
# def log(self): # pass
[docs]class UnitDualQuaternion(DualQuaternion): """[summary] :param DualQuaternion: [description] :type DualQuaternion: [type] .. warning:: Unlike the other spatial math classes, this class does not (yet) support multiple values per object. :seealso: :func:`UnitDualQuaternion` """ @overload def __init__(self, T: SE3): ... def __init__(self, real: Quaternion, dual: Quaternion): ...
[docs] def __init__(self, real=None, dual=None): r""" Create new unit dual quaternion :param real: real quaternion or SE(3) matrix :type real: Quaternion, UnitQuaternion or SE3 :param dual: dual quaternion :type dual: Quaternion or UnitQuaternion - ``UnitDualQuaternion(real, dual)`` is a new unit dual quaternion with real and dual parts as specified. - ``UnitDualQuaternion(T)`` is a new unit dual quaternion equivalent to the rigid-body motion described by the SE3 value ``T``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import UnitDualQuaternion, SE3 >>> T = SE3.Rand() >>> print(T) >>> d = UnitDualQuaternion(T) >>> print(d) >>> type(d) The dual number is stored internally as two quaternion, respectively called ``real`` and ``dual``. For a unit dual quaternion they are respectively: .. math:: \q_r &\sim \mat{R} q_d &= \frac{1}{2} q_t \q_r where :math:`\mat{R}` is the rotational part of the rigid-body motion and :math:`q_t` is a pure quaternion formed from the translational part :math:`t`. """ if dual is None and isinstance(real, SE3): T = real S = UnitQuaternion(T.R) D = Quaternion.Pure(T.t) real = S dual = 0.5 * D * S super().__init__(real, dual)
[docs] def SE3(self) -> SE3: """ Convert unit dual quaternion to SE(3) matrix :return: SE(3) matrix :rtype: SE3 Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import DualQuaternion, SE3 >>> T = SE3.Rand() >>> print(T) >>> d = UnitDualQuaternion(T) >>> print(d) >>> print(d.T) """ R = base.q2r(self.real.A) t = 2 * self.dual * self.real.conj() return SE3(base.rt2tr(R, t.v))
# def exp(self): # w = self.real.v # v = self.dual.v # theta = base.norm(w) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from spatialmath import SE3, UnitDualQuaternion print(UnitDualQuaternion(SE3())) # import pathlib # exec(open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "").read()) # pylint: disable=exec-used