# Part of Spatial Math Toolbox for Python
# Copyright (c) 2000 Peter Corke
# MIT Licence, see details in top-level file: LICENCE
These functions create and manipulate quaternions or unit quaternions.
The quaternion is represented
by a 1D NumPy array with 4 elements: s, x, y, z.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import spatialmath.base as smb
from spatialmath.base.types import *
_eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
[docs]def qeye() -> QuaternionArray:
Create an identity quaternion
:return: an identity quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Creates an identity quaternion, with the scalar part equal to one, and
a zero vector value.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qeye, qprint
>>> q = qeye()
>>> qprint(q)
return np.r_[1, 0, 0, 0]
[docs]def qpure(v: ArrayLike3) -> QuaternionArray:
Create a pure quaternion
:arg v: 3D vector
:type v: array_like(3)
:return: pure quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Creates a pure quaternion, with a zero scalar value and the vector part
equal to the passed vector value.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import pure, qprint
>>> q = qpure([1, 2, 3])
>>> qprint(q)
v = smb.getvector(v, 3)
return np.r_[0, v]
[docs]def qpositive(q: ArrayLike4) -> QuaternionArray:
Quaternion with positive scalar part
:arg q: quaternion
:type v: : ndarray(4)
:return: pure quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
If the scalar part is negative return -q.
if q[0] < 0:
return -q
return q
[docs]def qnorm(q: ArrayLike4) -> float:
Norm of a quaternion
:arg q: quaternion
:type v: : array_like(4)
:return: norm of the quaternion
:rtype: float
Returns the norm (length or magnitude) of the input quaternion which is
.. math::
(s^2 + v_x^2 + v_y^2 + v_z^2)^{1/2}
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qnorm
>>> q = qnorm([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> print(q)
:seealso: :func:`qunit`
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
return np.linalg.norm(q)
[docs]def qunit(q: ArrayLike4, tol: float = 20) -> UnitQuaternionArray:
Create a unit quaternion
:arg v: quaterion
:type v: array_like(4)
:param tol: Tolerance in multiples of eps, defaults to 20
:type tol: float, optional
:return: a pure quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
:raises ValueError: quaternion has (near) zero norm
Creates a unit quaternion, with unit norm, by scaling the input quaternion.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qunit, qprint
>>> q = qunit([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> qprint(q)
.. note:: Scalar part is always positive.
.. note:: If the quaternion norm is less than ``tol * eps`` an exception is
:seealso: :func:`qnorm`
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
nm = np.linalg.norm(q)
if abs(nm) < tol * _eps:
raise ValueError("cannot normalize (near) zero length quaternion")
q /= nm
if q[0] >= 0:
return q
return -q
[docs]def qisunit(q: ArrayLike4, tol: float = 20) -> bool:
Test if quaternion has unit length
:param v: quaternion
:type v: array_like(4)
:param tol: tolerance in units of eps, defaults to 20
:type tol: float
:return: whether quaternion has unit length
:rtype: bool
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qeye, qpure, qisunit
>>> q = qeye()
>>> qisunit(q)
>>> q = qpure([1, 2, 3])
>>> qisunit(q)
:seealso: :func:`qunit`
return smb.iszerovec(q, tol=tol)
def qisequal(
q1: ArrayLike4,
q2: ArrayLike4,
tol: float = 20,
unitq: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> bool:
def qisequal(
q1: ArrayLike4,
q2: ArrayLike4,
tol: float = 20,
unitq: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> bool:
[docs]def qisequal(q1, q2, tol: float = 20, unitq: Optional[bool] = False):
Test if quaternions are equal
:param q1: quaternion
:type q1: array_like(4)
:param q2: quaternion
:type q2: array_like(4)
:param unitq: quaternions are unit quaternions
:type unitq: bool
:param tol: tolerance in units of eps, defaults to 20
:type tol: float
:return: whether quaternions are equal
:rtype: bool
Tests if two quaternions are equal.
For unit-quaternions ``unitq=True`` the double mapping is taken into account,
that is ``q`` and ``-q`` represent the same orientation and ``isequal(q, -q, unitq=True)`` will
return ``True``.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qisequal
>>> q1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> q2 = [-1, -2, -3, -4]
>>> qisequal(q1, q2)
>>> qisequal(q1, q2, unitq=True)
q1 = smb.getvector(q1, 4)
q2 = smb.getvector(q2, 4)
if unitq:
return (np.sum(np.abs(q1 - q2)) < tol * _eps) or (
np.sum(np.abs(q1 + q2)) < tol * _eps
return np.sum(np.abs(q1 - q2)) < tol * _eps
[docs]def q2v(q: ArrayLike4) -> R3:
Convert unit-quaternion to 3-vector
:arg q: unit-quaternion
:type v: array_like(4)
:return: a unique 3-vector
:rtype: ndarray(3)
Returns a unique 3-vector representing the input unit-quaternion. The sign
of the scalar part is made positive, if necessary by multiplying the
entire quaternion by -1, then the vector part is taken.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import q2v
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> q = [1 / sqrt(2), 0, 1 / sqrt(2), 0]
>>> print(q2v(q))
>>> q = [-1 / sqrt(2), 0, 1 / sqrt(2), 0]
>>> print(q2v(q))
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed value is a unit-quaternion.
:seealso: :func:`v2q`
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
if q[0] >= 0:
return q[1:4]
return -q[1:4]
[docs]def v2q(v: ArrayLike3) -> UnitQuaternionArray:
Convert 3-vector to unit-quaternion
:arg v: vector part of unit quaternion
:type v: array_like(3)
:return: a unit quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Returns a unit-quaternion reconsituted from just its vector part. Assumes
that the scalar part was positive, so :math:`s = \sqrt{1-||v||}`.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import v2q, qprint
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> v = [0, 1 / sqrt(2), 0]
>>> qprint(v2q(v))
>>> v = [0, -1 / sqrt(2), 0]
>>> qprint(v2q(v))
.. warning:: There is no check that the value is the vector part of
a unit-quaternion, and this can lead to a math domain error.
:seealso: :func:`q2v`
v = smb.getvector(v, 3)
s = math.sqrt(1 - np.sum(v**2))
return np.r_[s, v]
[docs]def qqmul(q1: ArrayLike4, q2: ArrayLike4) -> QuaternionArray:
Quaternion multiplication
:arg q0: left-hand quaternion
:type q0: : array_like(4)
:arg q1: right-hand quaternion
:type q1: array_like(4)
:return: quaternion product
:rtype: ndarray(4)
This is the quaternion or Hamilton product. If both operands are unit-quaternions then
the product will be a unit-quaternion.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qqmul
>>> q1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> q2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> qqmul(q1, q2) # conventional Hamilton product
:seealso: qvmul, qinner, vvmul
q1 = smb.getvector(q1, 4)
q2 = smb.getvector(q2, 4)
s1 = q1[0]
v1 = q1[1:4]
s2 = q2[0]
v2 = q2[1:4]
return np.r_[s1 * s2 - np.dot(v1, v2), s1 * v2 + s2 * v1 + np.cross(v1, v2)]
[docs]def qinner(q1: ArrayLike4, q2: ArrayLike4) -> float:
Quaternion inner product
:arg q0: quaternion
:type q0: : array_like(4)
:arg q1: uaternion
:type q1: array_like(4)
:return: inner product
:rtype: float
This is the inner or dot product of two quaternions, it is the sum of the element-wise
- The inner product ``inner(q, q)`` is the square of the norm of ``q``.
- If ``q0`` and ``q1`` are unit quaternions then the inner product is the
cosine of the angle between the two orientations.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qinner
>>> from math import sqrt, acos, pi
>>> q1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> qinner(q1, q1) # square of the norm
>>> q1 = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0] # 90deg rotation about x-axis
>>> q2 = [1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2), 0] # 90deg rotation about y-axis
>>> acos(qinner(q1, q2)) * 180 / pi # angle between q1 and q2
:seealso: qvmul
q1 = smb.getvector(q1, 4)
q2 = smb.getvector(q2, 4)
return np.dot(q1, q2)
[docs]def qvmul(q: ArrayLike4, v: ArrayLike3) -> R3:
Vector rotation
:arg q: unit-quaternion
:type q: array_like(4)
:arg v: 3-vector to be rotated
:type v: array_like(3)
:return: rotated 3-vector
:rtype: ndarray(3)
The vector `v` is rotated about the origin by the SO(3) equivalent of the unit
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qvmul
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> q = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0] # 90deg rotation about x-axis
>>> qvmul(q, [1, 2, 3]) # rotated vector
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed value is a unit-quaternions.
:seealso: qvmul
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
v = smb.getvector(v, 3)
qv = qqmul(q, qqmul(qpure(v), qconj(q)))
return qv[1:4]
[docs]def vvmul(qa: ArrayLike3, qb: ArrayLike3) -> R3:
Quaternion multiplication
:arg qa: left-hand quaternion
:type qa: : array_like(3)
:arg qb: right-hand quaternion
:type qb: array_like(3)
:return: quaternion product
:rtype: ndarray(3)
This is the quaternion or Hamilton product of unit-quaternions defined only
by their vector components. The product will be a unit-quaternion, defined only
by its vector component.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import vvmul, v2q, q2v, qqmul, qprint
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> q1 = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0] # 90deg rotation about x-axis
>>> q2 = [1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2), 0] # 90deg rotation about y-axis
>>> qprint(qqmul(q1, q2)) # normal Hamilton product
>>> v1 = q2v(q1); v2 = q2v(q2)
>>> vp = vvmul(v1, v2) # product using 3-vectors
>>> qprint(v2q(vp)) # same answer as Hamilton product
:seealso: :func:`q2v` :func:`v2q` :func:`qvmul`
t6 = math.sqrt(1.0 - np.sum(qa**2))
t11 = math.sqrt(1.0 - np.sum(qb**2))
return np.r_[
qa[1] * qb[2] - qb[1] * qa[2] + qb[0] * t6 + qa[0] * t11,
-qa[0] * qb[2] + qb[0] * qa[2] + qb[1] * t6 + qa[1] * t11,
qa[0] * qb[1] - qb[0] * qa[1] + qb[2] * t6 + qa[2] * t11,
[docs]def qpow(q: ArrayLike4, power: int) -> QuaternionArray:
Raise quaternion to a power
:arg q: quaternion
:type v: array_like(4)
:arg power: exponent
:type power: int
:return: input quaternion raised to the specified power
:rtype: ndarray(4)
:raises ValueError: if exponent is non integer
Raises a quaternion to the specified power using repeated multiplication.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qpow, qqmul, qprint
>>> q = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> qprint(qqmul(q, q))
>>> qprint(qpow(q, 2))
>>> qprint(qpow(q, -2)) # conjugate of above
.. note:
- Power must be an integer
- Power can be negative, in which case the conjugate is taken
:seealso: :func:`qqmul`
:SymPy: supported for ``q`` but not ``power``.
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
if not isinstance(power, int):
raise ValueError("Power must be an integer")
qr = qeye()
for _ in range(0, abs(power)):
qr = qqmul(qr, q)
if power < 0:
qr = qconj(qr)
return qr
[docs]def qconj(q: ArrayLike4) -> QuaternionArray:
Quaternion conjugate
:arg q: quaternion
:type v: array_like(4)
:return: conjugate of input quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Conjugate of quaternion, the vector part is negated.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qconj, qprint
>>> q = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> qprint(qconj(q))
:SymPy: supported
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
return np.r_[q[0], -q[1:4]]
[docs]def q2r(
q: Union[UnitQuaternionArray, ArrayLike4], order: Optional[str] = "sxyz"
) -> SO3Array:
Convert unit-quaternion to SO(3) rotation matrix
:arg q: unit-quaternion
:type v: array_like(4)
:param order: the order of the quaternion elements. Must be 'sxyz' or
'xyzs'. Defaults to 'sxyz'.
:type order: str
:return: corresponding SO(3) rotation matrix
:rtype: ndarray(3,3)
Returns an SO(3) rotation matrix corresponding to this unit-quaternion.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import q2r
>>> q = [0, 0, 1, 0] # rotation of 180deg about y-axis
>>> print(q2r(q))
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed value is a unit-quaternion.
:seealso: :func:`r2q`
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
if order == "sxyz":
s, x, y, z = q
elif order == "xyzs":
x, y, z, s = q
raise ValueError("order is invalid, must be 'sxyz' or 'xyzs'")
return np.array(
[1 - 2 * (y**2 + z**2), 2 * (x * y - s * z), 2 * (x * z + s * y)],
[2 * (x * y + s * z), 1 - 2 * (x**2 + z**2), 2 * (y * z - s * x)],
[2 * (x * z - s * y), 2 * (y * z + s * x), 1 - 2 * (x**2 + y**2)],
[docs]def r2q(
R: SO3Array,
check: Optional[bool] = False,
tol: float = 20,
order: Optional[str] = "sxyz",
shortest: bool = False,
) -> UnitQuaternionArray:
Convert SO(3) rotation matrix to unit-quaternion
:arg R: SO(3) rotation matrix
:type R: ndarray(3,3)
:param check: check validity of rotation matrix, default False
:type check: bool
:param tol: tolerance in units of eps, defaults to 20
:type tol: float
:param order: the order of the returned quaternion elements. Must be 'sxyz' or
'xyzs'. Defaults to 'sxyz'.
:type order: str
:param shortest: ensures the quaternion has non-negative scalar part.
:type shortest: bool, default to False
:return: unit-quaternion as Euler parameters
:rtype: ndarray(4)
:raises ValueError: for non SO(3) argument
Returns a unit-quaternion corresponding to the input SO(3) rotation matrix.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import r2q, qprint, rotx
>>> R = rotx(90, 'deg') # rotation of 90deg about x-axis
>>> print(R)
>>> qprint(r2q(R))
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed matrix is a valid rotation matrix.
.. note::
- Scalar part is always positive
- implements Cayley's method
- Sarabandi, S., and Thomas, F. (March 1, 2019).
"A Survey on the Computation of Quaternions From Rotation Matrices."
ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. April 2019; 11(2): 021006.
`doi.org/10.1115/1.4041889 <https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4041889>`_
:seealso: :func:`q2r`
if not smb.isrot(R, check=check, tol=tol):
raise ValueError("Argument must be a valid SO(3) matrix")
t12p = (R[0, 1] + R[1, 0]) ** 2
t13p = (R[0, 2] + R[2, 0]) ** 2
t23p = (R[1, 2] + R[2, 1]) ** 2
t12m = (R[0, 1] - R[1, 0]) ** 2
t13m = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0]) ** 2
t23m = (R[1, 2] - R[2, 1]) ** 2
d1 = (R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] + R[2, 2] + 1) ** 2
d2 = (R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1) ** 2
d3 = (-R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1) ** 2
d4 = (-R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + R[2, 2] + 1) ** 2
e = np.array(
math.sqrt(d1 + t23m + t13m + t12m) / 4.0,
math.sqrt(t23m + d2 + t12p + t13p) / 4.0,
math.sqrt(t13m + t12p + d3 + t23p) / 4.0,
math.sqrt(t12m + t13p + t23p + d4) / 4.0,
i = np.argmax(e)
if i == 0:
e[1] = math.copysign(e[1], R[2, 1] - R[1, 2])
e[2] = math.copysign(e[2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0])
e[3] = math.copysign(e[3], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1])
elif i == 1:
e[0] = math.copysign(e[0], R[2, 1] - R[1, 2])
e[2] = math.copysign(e[2], R[1, 0] + R[0, 1])
e[3] = math.copysign(e[3], R[0, 2] + R[2, 0])
elif i == 2:
e[0] = math.copysign(e[0], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0])
e[1] = math.copysign(e[1], R[1, 0] + R[0, 1])
e[3] = math.copysign(e[3], R[2, 1] + R[1, 2])
e[0] = math.copysign(e[0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1])
e[1] = math.copysign(e[1], R[0, 2] + R[2, 0])
e[2] = math.copysign(e[2], R[2, 1] + R[1, 2])
if shortest and e[0] < 0:
e = -e
if order == "sxyz":
return e
elif order == "xyzs":
return e[[1, 2, 3, 0]]
raise ValueError("order is invalid, must be 'sxyz' or 'xyzs'")
# def r2q_svd(R):
# U = np.array(
# [
# [
# R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] + R[2, 2] + 1,
# R[2, 1] - R[1, 2],
# -R[2, 0] + R[0, 2],
# R[1, 0] - R[0, 1],
# ],
# [
# R[2, 1] - R[1, 2],
# R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1,
# R[1, 0] + R[0, 1],
# R[2, 0] + R[0, 2],
# ],
# [
# -R[2, 0] + R[0, 2],
# R[1, 0] + R[0, 1],
# -R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1,
# R[2, 1] + R[1, 2],
# ],
# [
# R[1, 0] - R[0, 1],
# R[2, 0] + R[0, 2],
# R[2, 1] + R[1, 2],
# -R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + R[2, 2] + 1,
# ],
# ]
# )
# U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(U)
# e = U[:, 0]
# # if e[0] < -10 * _eps:
# # e = -e
# return e
# def r2q_old(R, check=False, tol=100):
# """
# Convert SO(3) rotation matrix to unit-quaternion
# :arg R: SO(3) rotation matrix
# :type R: ndarray(3,3)
# :param check: check validity of rotation matrix, default False
# :type check: bool
# :param tol: tolerance in units of eps
# :type tol: float
# :return: unit-quaternion
# :rtype: ndarray(4)
# :raises ValueError: for non SO(3) argument
# Returns a unit-quaternion corresponding to the input SO(3) rotation matrix.
# .. runblock:: pycon
# >>> from spatialmath.base import r2q, qprint, rotx
# >>> R = rotx(90, 'deg') # rotation of 90deg about x-axis
# >>> print(R)
# >>> qprint(r2q(R))
# .. warning:: There is no check that the passed matrix is a valid rotation matrix.
# .. note:: Scalar part is always positive.
# :reference:
# - Funda, Taylor, IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation, 6(3),
# June 1990, pp.382-388. (coding reference)
# - Sarabandi, S., and Thomas, F. (March 1, 2019).
# "A Survey on the Computation of Quaternions From Rotation Matrices."
# ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. April 2019; 11(2): 021006. (according to this
# paper the algorithm is Hughes' method)
# :seealso: :func:`q2r`
# """
# if not smb.isrot(R, check=check, tol=tol):
# raise ValueError("Argument must be a valid SO(3) matrix")
# qs = math.sqrt(max(0, np.trace(R) + 1)) / 2.0 # scalar part
# kx = R[2, 1] - R[1, 2] # Oz - Ay
# ky = R[0, 2] - R[2, 0] # Ax - Nz
# kz = R[1, 0] - R[0, 1] # Ny - Ox
# # equation (7)
# if (R[0, 0] >= R[1, 1]) and (R[0, 0] >= R[2, 2]):
# kx1 = R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1 # Nx - Oy - Az + 1
# ky1 = R[1, 0] + R[0, 1] # Ny + Ox
# kz1 = R[2, 0] + R[0, 2] # Nz + Ax
# add = kx >= 0
# elif R[1, 1] >= R[2, 2]:
# kx1 = R[1, 0] + R[0, 1] # Ny + Ox
# ky1 = R[1, 1] - R[0, 0] - R[2, 2] + 1 # Oy - Nx - Az + 1
# kz1 = R[2, 1] + R[1, 2] # Oz + Ay
# add = ky >= 0
# else:
# kx1 = R[2, 0] + R[0, 2] # Nz + Ax
# ky1 = R[2, 1] + R[1, 2] # Oz + Ay
# kz1 = R[2, 2] - R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + 1 # Az - Nx - Oy + 1
# add = kz >= 0
# # equation (8)
# if add:
# kx = kx + kx1
# ky = ky + ky1
# kz = kz + kz1
# else:
# kx = kx - kx1
# ky = ky - ky1
# kz = kz - kz1
# kv = np.r_[kx, ky, kz]
# nm = np.linalg.norm(kv)
# if abs(nm) < tol * _eps:
# return qeye()
# else:
# return np.r_[qs, (math.sqrt(1.0 - qs**2) / nm) * kv]
[docs]def qslerp(
q0: ArrayLike4,
q1: ArrayLike4,
s: float,
shortest: Optional[bool] = False,
tol: float = 20,
) -> UnitQuaternionArray:
Quaternion conjugate
:arg q0: initial unit quaternion
:type q0: array_like(4)
:arg q1: final unit quaternion
:type q1: array_like(4)
:arg s: interpolation coefficient in the range [0,1]
:type s: float
:arg shortest: choose shortest distance [default False]
:type shortest: bool
:param tol: Tolerance when checking for identical quaternions, in multiples of eps, defaults to 20
:type tol: float, optional
:return: interpolated unit-quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
:raises ValueError: s is outside interval [0, 1]
An interpolated quaternion between ``q0`` when ``s`` = 0 to ``q1`` when ``s`` = 1.
Interpolation is performed on a great circle on a 4D hypersphere. This is
a rotation about a single fixed axis in space which yields the straightest
and shortest path between two points.
For large rotations the path may be the *long way around* the circle,
the option ``'shortest'`` ensures always the shortest path.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qslerp, qprint
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> q0 = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0] # 90deg rotation about x-axis
>>> q1 = [1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2), 0] # 90deg rotation about y-axis
>>> qprint(qslerp(q0, q1, 0)) # this is q0
>>> qprint(qslerp(q0, q1, 1)) # this is q1
>>> qprint(qslerp(q0, q1, 0.5)) # this is in "half way" between
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.
if not 0 <= s <= 1:
raise ValueError("s must be in the interval [0,1]")
q0 = smb.getvector(q0, 4)
q1 = smb.getvector(q1, 4)
if s == 0:
return q0
elif s == 1:
return q1
dotprod = np.dot(q0, q1)
# If the dot product is negative, the quaternions
# have opposite handed-ness and slerp won't take
# the shorter path. Fix by reversing one quaternion.
if shortest:
if dotprod < 0:
q0 = -q0 # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
dotprod = -dotprod # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
dotprod = np.clip(dotprod, -1, 1) # Clip within domain of acos()
theta = math.acos(dotprod) # theta is the angle between rotation vectors
if abs(theta) > tol * _eps:
s0 = math.sin((1 - s) * theta)
s1 = math.sin(s * theta)
return ((q0 * s0) + (q1 * s1)) / math.sin(theta)
# quaternions are identical
return q0
[docs]def qrand() -> UnitQuaternionArray:
Random unit-quaternion
:return: random unit-quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Computes a uniformly distributed random unit-quaternion which can be
considered equivalent to a random SO(3) rotation.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qrand, qprint
>>> qprint(qrand())
u = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=3) # get 3 random numbers in [0,1]
return np.r_[
math.sqrt(1 - u[0]) * math.sin(2 * math.pi * u[1]),
math.sqrt(1 - u[0]) * math.cos(2 * math.pi * u[1]),
math.sqrt(u[0]) * math.sin(2 * math.pi * u[2]),
math.sqrt(u[0]) * math.cos(2 * math.pi * u[2]),
[docs]def qmatrix(q: ArrayLike4) -> R4x4:
Convert quaternion to 4x4 matrix equivalent
:arg q: quaternion
:type v: array_like(4)
:return: equivalent matrix
:rtype: ndarray(4)
Hamilton multiplication between two quaternions can be considered as a
matrix-vector product, the left-hand quaternion is represented by an
equivalent 4x4 matrix and the right-hand quaternion as 4x1 column vector.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qmatrix, qqmul, qprint
>>> q1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> q2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> qqmul(q1, q2) # conventional Hamilton product
>>> m = qmatrix(q1)
>>> print(m)
>>> v = m @ np.array(q2)
>>> print(v)
:seealso: qqmul
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
s = q[0]
x = q[1]
y = q[2]
z = q[3]
return np.array([[s, -x, -y, -z], [x, s, -z, y], [y, z, s, -x], [z, -y, x, s]])
[docs]def qdot(q: ArrayLike4, w: ArrayLike3) -> QuaternionArray:
Rate of change of unit-quaternion
:arg q0: unit-quaternion
:type q0: array_like(4)
:arg w: 3D angular velocity in world frame
:type w: array_like(3)
:return: rate of change of unit quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
``dot(q, w)`` is the rate of change of the elements of the unit quaternion ``q``
which represents the orientation of a body frame with angular velocity ``w`` in
the world frame.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qdot, qprint
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> q = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0] # 90deg rotation about x-axis
>>> qdot(q, [1, 2, 3])
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
w = smb.getvector(w, 3)
E = q[0] * (np.eye(3, 3)) - smb.skew(q[1:4])
return 0.5 * np.r_[-np.dot(q[1:4], w), E @ w]
[docs]def qdotb(q: ArrayLike4, w: ArrayLike3) -> QuaternionArray:
Rate of change of unit-quaternion
:arg q0: unit-quaternion
:type q0: array_like(4)
:arg w: 3D angular velocity in body frame
:type w: array_like(3)
:return: rate of change of unit quaternion
:rtype: ndarray(4)
``dotb(q, w)`` is the rate of change of the elements of the unit quaternion ``q``
which represents the orientation of a body frame with angular velocity ``w`` in
the body frame.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qdotb, qprint
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> q = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0] # 90deg rotation about x-axis
>>> qdotb(q, [1, 2, 3])
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
w = smb.getvector(w, 3)
E = q[0] * (np.eye(3, 3)) + smb.skew(q[1:4])
return 0.5 * np.r_[-np.dot(q[1:4], w), E @ w]
[docs]def qangle(q1: ArrayLike4, q2: ArrayLike4) -> float:
Angle between two unit-quaternions
:arg q0: unit-quaternion
:type q0: array_like(4)
:arg q1: unit-quaternion
:type q1: array_like(4)
:return: angle between the rotations [radians]
:rtype: float
If each of the input quaternions is considered a rotated coordinate
frame, then the angle is the smallest rotation required about a fixed
axis, to rotate the first frame into the second.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qangle
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> q1 = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0] # 90deg rotation about x-axis
>>> q2 = [1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2), 0] # 90deg rotation about y-axis
>>> qangle(q1, q2)
- Metrics for 3D rotations: comparison and analysis,
Du Q. Huynh, % J.Math Imaging Vis. DOFI 10.1007/s10851-009-0161-2.
.. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.
# TODO different methods
q1 = smb.getvector(q1, 4)
q2 = smb.getvector(q2, 4)
return 4.0 * math.atan2(smb.norm(q1 - q2), smb.norm(q1 + q2))
[docs]def qprint(
q: Union[ArrayLike4, ArrayLike4],
delim: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = ("<", ">"),
fmt: Optional[str] = "{: .4f}",
file: Optional[TextIO] = sys.stdout,
) -> str:
Format a quaternion
:arg q: unit-quaternion
:type q: array_like(4)
:arg delim: 2-list of delimeters [default ('<', '>')]
:type delim: list or tuple of strings
:arg fmt: printf-style format soecifier [default '{: .4f}']
:type fmt: str
:arg file: destination for formatted string [default sys.stdout]
:type file: file object
:return: formatted string
:rtype: str
Format the quaternion in a human-readable form as::
where S, VX, VY, VZ are the quaternion elements, and D1 and D2 are a pair
of delimeters given by `delim`.
By default the string is written to `sys.stdout`.
If `file=None` then a string is returned.
.. runblock:: pycon
>>> from spatialmath.base import qprint, qrand
>>> q = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> qprint(q)
>>> q = qrand() # a unit quaternion
>>> qprint(q, delim=('<<', '>>'))
q = smb.getvector(q, 4)
template = "# {} #, #, # {}".replace("#", fmt)
s = template.format(q[0], delim[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], delim[1])
if file:
file.write(s + "\n")
return s
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
import pathlib
/ "tests"
/ "base"
/ "test_quaternions.py"
) # pylint: disable=exec-used