Source code for spatialmath.pose2d

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Classes to abstract 2D pose and orientation using matrices in SE(2) and SO(2)

To use::

    from spatialmath.pose2d import *
    T = SE2(1, 2, 0.3)

    import spatialmath as sm
    T = sm.SE2.Rx(1, 2, 0.3)

 .. inheritance-diagram:: spatialmath.pose3d
    :top-classes: collections.UserList
    :parts: 1

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

import math
import numpy as np

import spatialmath.base as smb
from spatialmath.baseposematrix import BasePoseMatrix

# ============================== SO2 =====================================#

[docs]class SO2(BasePoseMatrix): """ SO(2) matrix class This subclass represents rotations in 2D space. Internally it is a 2x2 orthogonal matrix belonging to the group SO(2). .. inheritance-diagram:: spatialmath.pose2d.SO2 :top-classes: collections.UserList :parts: 1 """ # SO2() identity matrix # SO2(angle, unit) # SO2( obj ) # deep copy # SO2( np ) # make numpy object # SO2( nplist ) # make from list of numpy objects # constructor needs to take ndarray -> SO2, or list of ndarray -> SO2
[docs] def __init__(self, arg=None, *, unit="rad", check=True): """ Construct new SO(2) object :param unit: angular units 'deg' or 'rad' [default] if applicable :type unit: str, optional :param check: check for valid SO(2) elements if applicable, default to True :type check: bool :return: SO(2) rotation :rtype: SO2 instance - ``SO2()`` is an SO2 instance representing a null rotation -- the identity matrix. - ``SO2(θ)`` is an SO2 instance representing a rotation by ``θ`` radians. If ``θ`` is array_like `[θ1, θ2, ... θN]` then an SO2 instance containing a sequence of N rotations. - ``SO2(θ, unit='deg')`` is an SO2 instance representing a rotation by ``θ`` degrees. If ``θ`` is array_like `[θ1, θ2, ... θN]` then an SO2 instance containing a sequence of N rotations. - ``SO2(R)`` is an SO2 instance with rotation described by the SO(2) matrix R which is a 2x2 numpy array. If ``check`` is ``True`` check the matrix belongs to SO(2). - ``SO2([R1, R2, ... RN])`` is an SO2 instance containing a sequence of N rotations, each described by an SO(2) matrix Ri which is a 2x2 numpy array. If ``check`` is ``True`` then check each matrix belongs to SO(2). - ``SO2([X1, X2, ... XN])`` is an SO2 instance containing a sequence of N rotations, where each Xi is an SO2 instance. """ super().__init__() if isinstance(arg, SE2): = [smb.t2r(x) for x in] elif super().arghandler(arg, check=check): return elif smb.isscalar(arg): = [smb.rot2(arg, unit=unit)] elif smb.isvector(arg): = [smb.rot2(x, unit=unit) for x in smb.getvector(arg)] else: raise ValueError("bad argument to constructor")
@staticmethod def _identity(): return np.eye(2) @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the object's interal matrix representation :return: (2,2) :rtype: tuple """ return (2, 2)
[docs] @classmethod def Rand(cls, N=1, arange=(0, 2 * math.pi), unit="rad"): r""" Construct new SO(2) with random rotation :param arange: rotation range, defaults to :math:`[0, 2\pi)`. :type arange: 2-element array-like, optional :param unit: angular units as 'deg or 'rad' [default] :type unit: str, optional :param N: number of random rotations, defaults to 1 :type N: int :return: SO(2) rotation matrix :rtype: SO2 instance - ``SO2.Rand()`` is a random SO(2) rotation. - ``SO2.Rand([-90, 90], unit='deg')`` is a random SO(2) rotation between -90 and +90 degrees. - ``SO2.Rand(N)`` is a sequence of N random rotations. Rotations are uniform over the specified interval. """ rand = np.random.uniform( low=arange[0], high=arange[1], size=N ) # random values in the range return cls([smb.rot2(x) for x in smb.getunit(rand, unit)])
[docs] @classmethod def Exp(cls, S, check=True): """ Construct new SO(2) rotation matrix from so(2) Lie algebra :param S: element of Lie algebra so(2) :type S: numpy ndarray :param check: check that passed matrix is valid so(2), default True :type check: bool :return: SO(2) rotation matrix :rtype: SO2 instance - ``SO2.Exp(S)`` is an SO(2) rotation defined by its Lie algebra which is a 2x2 so(2) matrix (skew symmetric) :seealso: :func:`spatialmath.base.transforms2d.trexp`, :func:`spatialmath.base.transformsNd.skew` """ if isinstance(S, (list, tuple)): return cls([smb.trexp2(s, check=check) for s in S]) else: return cls(smb.trexp2(S, check=check), check=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid(x, check=True): """ Test if matrix is valid SO(2) :param x: matrix to test :type x: numpy.ndarray :return: True if the matrix is a valid element of SO(2), ie. it is a 2x2 orthonormal matrix with determinant of +1. :rtype: bool :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transform3d.isrot` """ return not check or smb.isrot2(x, check=True)
[docs] def inv(self): """ Inverse of SO(2) :return: inverse rotation :rtype: SO2 instance - ``x.inv()`` is the inverse of `x`. Notes: - for elements of SO(2) this is the transpose. - if `x` contains a sequence, returns an `SO2` with a sequence of inverses """ if len(self) == 1: return SO2(self.A.T) else: return SO2([x.T for x in self.A])
@property def R(self): """ SO(2) or SE(2) as rotation matrix :return: rotational component :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(2,2) ``x.R`` returns the rotation matrix, when `x` is `SO2` or `SE2`. If `len(x)` is: - 1, return an ndarray with shape=(2,2) - N>1, return ndarray with shape=(N,2,2) """ return self.A[:2, :2]
[docs] def theta(self, unit="rad"): """ SO(2) as a rotation angle :param unit: angular units 'deg' or 'rad' [default] :type unit: str, optional :return: rotation angle :rtype: float or list ``x.theta`` is the rotation angle such that `x` is `SO2(x.theta)`. """ if unit == "deg": conv = 180.0 / math.pi else: conv = 1.0 if len(self) == 1: return conv * math.atan2(self.A[1, 0], self.A[0, 0]) else: return [conv * math.atan2(x.A[1, 0], x.A[0, 0]) for x in self]
[docs] def SE2(self): """ Create SE(2) from SO(2) :return: SE(2) with same rotation but zero translation :rtype: SE2 instance """ return SE2(smb.rt2tr(self.A, [0, 0]))
# ============================== SE2 =====================================#
[docs]class SE2(SO2): """ SE(2) matrix class This subclass represents rigid-body motion (pose) in 2D space. Internally it is a 3x3 homogeneous transformation matrix belonging to the group SE(2). .. inheritance-diagram:: spatialmath.pose2d.SE2 :top-classes: collections.UserList :parts: 1 """ # constructor needs to take ndarray -> SO2, or list of ndarray -> SO2
[docs] def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, theta=None, *, unit="rad", check=True): """ Construct new SE(2) object :param unit: angular units 'deg' or 'rad' [default] if applicable :type unit: str, optional :param check: check for valid SE(2) elements if applicable, default to True :type check: bool :return: SE(2) matrix :rtype: SE2 instance - ``SE2()`` is an SE2 instance representing a null motion -- the identity matrix - ``SE2(θ)`` is an SE2 instance representing a pure rotation of ``θ`` radians - ``SE2(θ, unit='deg')`` as above but ``θ`` in degrees - ``SE2(x, y)`` is an SE2 instance representing a pure translation of (``x``, ``y``) - ``SE2(t)`` is an SE2 instance representing a pure translation of (``x``, ``y``) where``t``=[x,y] is a 2-element array_like - ``SE2(x, y, θ)`` is an SE2 instance representing a translation of (``x``, ``y``) and a rotation of ``θ`` radians - ``SE2(x, y, θ, unit='deg')`` as above but ``θ`` in degrees - ``SE2(t)`` where ``t``=[x,y] is a 2-element array_like, is an SE2 instance representing a pure translation of (``x``, ``y``) - ``SE2(q)`` where ``q``=[x,y,θ] is a 3-element array_like, is an SE2 instance representing a translation of (``x``, ``y``) and a rotation of ``θ`` radians - ``SE2(t, unit='deg')`` as above but ``θ`` in degrees - ``SE2(T)`` is an SE2 instance with rigid-body motion described by the SE(2) matrix T which is a 3x3 numpy array. If ``check`` is ``True`` check the matrix belongs to SE(2). - ``SE2([T1, T2, ... TN])`` is an SE2 instance containing a sequence of N rigid-body motions, each described by an SE(2) matrix Ti which is a 3x3 numpy array. If ``check`` is ``True`` then check each matrix belongs to SE(2). - ``SE2([X1, X2, ... XN])`` is an SE2 instance containing a sequence of N rigid-body motions, where each Xi is an SE2 instance. """ if y is None and theta is None: # just one argument passed if super().arghandler(x, check=check): return if isinstance(x, SO2): = [smb.r2t(_x) for _x in] elif smb.isscalar(x): = [smb.trot2(x, unit=unit)] elif len(x) == 2: # SE2([x,y]) = [smb.transl2(x)] elif len(x) == 3: # SE2([x,y,theta]) = [smb.trot2(x[2], t=x[:2], unit=unit)] else: raise ValueError("bad argument to constructor") elif x is not None: if y is not None and theta is None: # SE2(x, y) = [smb.transl2(x, y)] elif y is not None and theta is not None: # SE2(x, y, theta) = [smb.trot2(theta, t=[x, y], unit=unit)] else: raise ValueError("bad arguments to constructor")
@staticmethod def _identity(): return np.eye(3) @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the object's interal matrix representation :return: (3,3) :rtype: tuple """ return (3, 3)
[docs] @classmethod def Rand( cls, N=1, xrange=(-1, 1), yrange=(-1, 1), arange=(0, 2 * math.pi), unit="rad" ): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ r""" Construct a new random SE(2) :param xrange: x-axis range [min,max], defaults to [-1, 1] :type xrange: 2-element sequence, optional :param yrange: y-axis range [min,max], defaults to [-1, 1] :type yrange: 2-element sequence, optional :param arange: angle range [min,max], defaults to :math:`[0, 2\pi)` :type arange: 2-element sequence, optional :param N: number of random rotations, defaults to 1 :type N: int :param unit: angular units 'deg' or 'rad' [default] if applicable :type unit: str, optional :return: homogeneous rigid-body transformation matrix :rtype: SE2 instance Return an SE2 instance with random rotation and translation. - ``SE2.Rand()`` is a random SE(2) rotation. - ``SE2.Rand(N)`` is an SE2 object containing a sequence of N random poses. Example, create random ten vehicles in the xy-plane:: >>> x = SE3.Rand(N=10, xrange=[-2,2], yrange=[-2,2]) >>> len(x) 10 """ x = np.random.uniform( low=xrange[0], high=xrange[1], size=N ) # random values in the range y = np.random.uniform( low=yrange[0], high=yrange[1], size=N ) # random values in the range theta = np.random.uniform( low=arange[0], high=arange[1], size=N ) # random values in the range return cls( [ smb.trot2(t, t=[x, y]) for (t, x, y) in zip(x, y, smb.getunit(theta, unit)) ] )
[docs] @classmethod def Exp(cls, S, check=True): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Construct a new SE(2) from se(2) Lie algebra :param S: element of Lie algebra se(2) :type S: numpy ndarray :param check: check that passed matrix is valid se(2), default True :type check: bool :return: homogeneous transform matrix :rtype: SE2 instance - ``SE2.Exp(S)`` is an SE(2) rotation defined by its Lie algebra which is a 3x3 se(2) matrix (skew symmetric) - ``SE2.Exp(t)`` is an SE(2) rotation defined by a 3-element twist vector array_like (the unique elements of the se(2) skew-symmetric matrix) - ``SE2.Exp(T)`` is a sequence of SE(2) rigid-body motions defined by an Nx3 matrix of twist vectors, one per row. Note: - an input 3x3 matrix is ambiguous, it could be the first or third case above. In this case the argument ``se2`` is the decider. :seealso: :func:`spatialmath.base.transforms2d.trexp`, :func:`spatialmath.base.transformsNd.skew` """ if isinstance(S, (list, tuple)): return cls([smb.trexp2(s) for s in S]) else: return cls(smb.trexp2(S), check=False)
[docs] @classmethod def Rot(cls, theta, unit="rad"): """ Create an SE(2) rotation :param theta: rotation angle in radians :type theta: float :param unit: angular units: "rad" [default] or "deg" :type unit: str :return: SE(2) matrix :rtype: SE2 instance `SE2.Rot(theta)` is an SE(2) rotation of ``theta`` Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> SE2.Rot(0.3) >>> SE2.Rot([0.2, 0.3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.transl` :SymPy: supported """ return cls( [smb.trot2(_th, unit=unit) for _th in smb.getvector(theta)], check=False, )
[docs] @classmethod def Tx(cls, x): """ Create an SE(2) translation along the X-axis :param x: translation distance along the X-axis :type x: float :return: SE(2) matrix :rtype: SE2 instance `SE2.Tx(x)` is an SE(2) translation of ``x`` along the x-axis Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> SE2.Tx(2) >>> SE2.Tx([2,3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.transl` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([smb.transl2(_x, 0) for _x in smb.getvector(x)], check=False)
[docs] @classmethod def Ty(cls, y): """ Create an SE(2) translation along the Y-axis :param y: translation distance along the Y-axis :type y: float :return: SE(2) matrix :rtype: SE2 instance `SE2.Ty(y) is an SE(2) translation of ``y`` along the y-axis Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> SE2.Ty(2) >>> SE2.Ty([2,3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.transl` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([smb.transl2(0, _y) for _y in smb.getvector(y)], check=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid(x, check=True): """ Test if matrix is valid SE(2) :param x: matrix to test :type x: numpy.ndarray :return: true if the matrix is a valid element of SE(2), ie. it is a 3x3 homogeneous rigid-body transformation matrix. :rtype: bool :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transform2d.ishom` """ return not check or smb.ishom2(x, check=True)
@property def t(self): """ Translational component of SE(2) :param self: SE(2) :type self: SE2 instance :return: translational component :rtype: numpy.ndarray ``x.t`` is the translational vector component. If ``len(x)`` is: - 1, return an ndarray with shape=(2,) - N>1, return an ndarray with shape=(N,2) """ if len(self) == 1: return self.A[:2, 2] else: return np.array([x[:2, 2] for x in self.A]) @property def x(self): """ First element of the translational component of SE(2) :param self: SE(2) :type self: SE2 instance :return: translational component :rtype: float ``v.x`` is the first element of the translational vector component. If ``len(x)`` is: - 1, return an float - N>1, return an ndarray with shape=(N,) """ if len(self) == 1: return self.A[0, 2] else: return np.array([v[0, 2] for v in self.A]) @property def y(self): """ Second element of the translational component of SE(2) :param self: SE(2) :type self: SE2 instance :return: translational component :rtype: float ``v.y`` is the second element of the translational vector component. If ``len(x)`` is: - 1, return an float - N>1, return an ndarray with shape=(N,) """ if len(self) == 1: return self.A[1, 2] else: return np.array([v[1, 2] for v in self.A])
[docs] def xyt(self): r""" SE(2) as a configuration vector :return: An array :math:`[x, y, \theta]` :rtype: numpy.ndarray ``x.xyt`` is the rigidbody motion in minimal form as a translation and rotation expressed in vector form as :math:`[x, y, \theta]`. If ``len(x)`` is: - 1, return an ndarray with shape=(3,) - N>1, return an ndarray with shape=(N,3) """ if len(self) == 1: return smb.tr2xyt(self.A) else: return [smb.tr2xyt(x) for x in self.A]
[docs] def inv(self): r""" Inverse of SE(2) :param self: pose :type self: SE2 instance :return: inverse :rtype: SE2 Notes: - for elements of SE(2) this takes into account the matrix structure :math:`T = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} R & t \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right], T^{-1} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} R^T & -R^T t \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right]` - if `x` contains a sequence, returns an `SE2` with a sequence of inverses """ if len(self) == 1: return SE2(smb.rt2tr(self.R.T, -self.R.T @ self.t), check=False) else: return SE2([smb.rt2tr(x.R.T, -x.R.T @ x.t) for x in self], check=False)
[docs] def SE3(self, z=0): """ Create SE(3) from SE(2) :param z: default z coordinate, defaults to 0 :type z: float :return: SE(2) with same rotation but zero translation :rtype: SE2 instance "Lifts" 2D rigid-body motion to 3D, rotation in the xy-plane (about the z-axis) and z-coordinate is settable. """ from spatialmath.pose3d import SE3 def lift3(x): y = np.eye(4) y[:2, :2] = x.A[:2, :2] y[:2, 3] = x.A[:2, 2] y[2, 3] = z return y return SE3([lift3(x) for x in self])
[docs] def Twist2(self): from spatialmath.twist import Twist2 return Twist2(self.log(twist=True))
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover import pathlib exec( open( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "" ).read() ) # pylint: disable=exec-used