Source code for spatialmath.twist

# Part of Spatial Math Toolbox for Python
# Copyright (c) 2000 Peter Corke
# MIT Licence, see details in top-level file: LICENCE

import numpy as np
import spatialmath.base as smb
from spatialmath.baseposelist import BasePoseList
from spatialmath.geom3d import Line3

class BaseTwist(BasePoseList):
    Superclass for 3D and 2D twist objects

    Subclasses are:

    - ``Twist3`` representing rigid-body motion in 3D as a 6-vector
    - ``Twist2`` representing rigid-body motion in 2D as a 3-vector

    A twist is the unique elements of the logarithm of the corresponding SE(N)

    Arithmetic operators are overloaded but the operation they perform depend
    on the types of the operands.  For example:

    - ``*`` will compose two instances of the same subclass, and the result will be
      an instance of the same subclass, since this is a group operator.

    These classes all inherit from ``UserList`` which enables them to
    represent a sequence of values, ie. a ``Twist3`` instance can contain
    a sequence of twists.  Most of the Python ``list`` operators
    are applicable:

    .. runblock:: pycon
        >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
        >>> x = Twist3()  # new instance with zero value
        >>> len(x)     # it is a sequence of one value
        >>> x.append(x)  # append to itself
        >>> len(x)       # it is a sequence of two values
        >>> x[1]         # the element has a 4x4 matrix value
        >>> x[1] = SE3.Rx(0.3).Twist3()  # set an elements of the sequence
        >>> x.reverse()         # reverse the elements in the sequence
        >>> del x[1]            # delete an element


        - "Mechanics, planning and control"
          Park & Lynch, Cambridge, 2016.

    This class is subclassed for the 3D and 2D cases

    .. inheritance-diagram:: spatialmath.twist.Twist3 spatialmath.twist.Twist2
       :top-classes: collections.UserList
       :parts: 2


    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__()  # enable UserList superpowers

    def S(self):
        Twist as a vector (superclass property)

        :return: Twist vector
        :rtype: ndarray(N)

        - ``X.S`` is a 3-vector if X is a ``Twist2`` instance, and a 6-vector if
          X is a ``Twist3`` instance.

        .. note::

            - the vector is the unique elements of the se(N) representation.
            - the vector is sometimes referred to as the twist coordinate vector.
            - if ``len(X)`` > 1 then return a list of vectors.
        # get the underlying numpy array
        if len( == 1:

    def isprismatic(self):
        Test for prismatic twist (superclass property)

        :return: Whether twist is purely prismatic
        :rtype: bool

        A prismatic twist has :math:`\vec{\omega} = 0`.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> x = Twist3.UnitPrismatic([1,2,3])
            >>> x.isprismatic
            >>> x = Twist3.UnitRevolute([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
            >>> x.isprismatic

        if len(self) == 1:
            return smb.iszerovec(self.w)
            return [smb.iszerovec(x.w) for x in]

    def isrevolute(self):
        Test for revolute twist (superclass property)

        :return: Whether twist is purely revolute
        :rtype: bool

        A revolute twist has :math:`\vec{v} = 0`.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> x = Twist3.UnitPrismatic([1,2,3])
            >>> x.isrevolute
            >>> x = Twist3.UnitRevolute([1,2,3], [0,0,0])
            >>> x.isrevolute

        if len(self) == 1:
            return smb.iszerovec(self.v)
            return [smb.iszerovec(x.v) for x in]

    def isunit(self):
        Test for unit twist (superclass property)

        :return: Whether twist is a unit-twist
        :rtype: bool

        A unit twist is one with a norm of 1, ie. :math:`\| S \| = 1`.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> S = Twist3([1,2,3,4,5,6])
            >>> S.isunit()
            >>> S = Twist3.UnitRevolute([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
            >>> S.isunit()

        if len(self) == 1:
            return smb.isunitvec(self.S)
            return [smb.isunitvec(x) for x in]

    def theta(self):
        Twist angle (superclass method)

        :return: magnitude of rotation (1x1) about the twist axis in radians
        :rtype: float
        if self.N == 2:
            return abs(self.w)
            return smb.norm(np.array(self.w))

    def inv(self):
        Inverse of Twist (superclass method)

        :return: inverse
        :rtype: Twist instance

        Compute the inverse of each of the values within the twist instance.
        The inverse is the negative of the twist vector.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> S = Twist3(SE3.Rand())
            >>> S
            >>> S.inv()
            >>> S * S.inv()
        return self.__class__([-t for t in])

    def prod(self):
        Product of twists (superclass method)

        :return: Product of elements
        :rtype: Twist2 or Twist3

        For a twist instance with N values return the matrix product of those
        elements :math:`\prod_i=0^{N-1} S_i`.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> S = Twist3.Rx([0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
            >>> len(S)
            >>> Twist3.Rx(0.9)
        if self.N == 2:
            log = smb.trlog2
            exp = smb.trexp2
            log = smb.trlog
            exp = smb.trexp

        twprod = exp([0])
        for tw in[1:]:
            twprod = twprod @ exp(tw)
        return self.__class__(log(twprod))

    def __eq__(left, right):  # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        Overloaded ``==`` operator (superclass method)

        :return: Equality of two operands
        :rtype: bool or list of bool

        ``S1 == S2`` is True if ``S1` is elementwise equal to ``S2``.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist2
            >>> S1 = Twist3([1,2,3,4,5,6])
            >>> S2 = Twist3([1,2,3,4,5,6])
            >>> S1 == S2
            >>> S2 = Twist3([1,2,3,4,5,7])
            >>> S1 == S2

        :seealso: :func:`__ne__`
        if type(left) != type(right):
            raise TypeError("operands to == are of different types")
        return left.binop(right, lambda x, y: all(x == y), list1=False)

    def __ne__(left, right):  # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        Overloaded ``!=`` operator (superclass method)

        :rtype: bool

        ``S1 == S2`` is True if ``S1` is not elementwise equal to ``S2``.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> S1 = Twist3([1,2,3,4,5,6])
            >>> S2 = Twist3([1,2,3,4,5,6])
            >>> S1 != S2
            >>> S2 = Twist3([1,2,3,4,5,7])
            >>> S1 != S2

        :seealso: :func:`__ne__`
        if type(left) != type(right):
            raise TypeError("operands to != are of different types")
        return left.binop(right, lambda x, y: not all(x == y), list1=False)

    def __truediv__(
        left, right
    ):  # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        if smb.isscalar(right):
            return left.__class__(left.S / right)
            raise ValueError("Twist /, incorrect right operand")

# ======================================================================== #

[docs]class Twist3(BaseTwist): r""" 3D twist class A Twist class holds the parameters of a twist, a representation of a 3D rigid body transformation which is the unique elements of the Lie algebra se(3) of the corresponding SE(3) matrix. :References: - Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023. - Modern Robotics, Lynch & Park, Cambridge 2017 .. note:: Compared to Lynch & Park this module implements twist vectors with the translational components first, followed by rotational components, ie. :math:`[\omega, \vec{v}]`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, arg=None, w=None, check=True): """ Construct a new 3D twist object - ``Twist3()`` is a Twist3 instance representing null motion -- the identity twist - ``Twist3(S)`` is a Twist3 instance from an array-like (6,) - ``Twist3(v, w)`` is a Twist3 instance from a moment ``v`` (3,) and direction ``w`` (3,) - ``Twist3([S1, S2, ... SN])`` where each ``Si`` is a numpy array (6,) - ``Twist3(X)`` is a Twist3 instance with the same value as ``X``, ie. a copy - ``Twist3([X1, X2, ... XN])`` where each Xi is a Twist3 instance, is a Twist3 instance containing N motions """ from spatialmath.pose3d import SE3 super().__init__() if w is None: # zero or one arguments passed if super().arghandler(arg, check=check): return elif isinstance(arg, SE3): = [arg.twist().A] elif w is not None and smb.isvector(w, 3) and smb.isvector(arg, 3): # Twist(v, w) = [np.r_[arg, w]] return else: raise ValueError("bad value to Twist constructor")
# ------------------------ SMUserList required ---------------------------# @staticmethod def _identity(): return np.zeros((6,)) def _import(self, value, check=True): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and self.isvalid(value, check=check): if value.shape == (4, 4): # it's an se(3) return smb.vexa(value) elif value.shape == (6,): # it's a twist vector return value elif smb.ishom(value, check=check): return smb.trlog(value, twist=True, check=False) raise TypeError("bad type passed")
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid(v, check=True): """ Test if matrix is valid twist :param x: array to test :type x: ndarray :return: Whether the value is a 6-vector or a valid 4x4 se(3) element :rtype: bool A twist can be represented by a 6-vector or a 4x4 skew symmetric matrix, for example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> from spatialmath.base import skewa >>> import numpy as np >>> Twist3.isvalid([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> a = skewa([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> a >>> Twist3.isvalid(a) >>> Twist3.isvalid(np.random.rand(4,4)) """ if smb.isvector(v, 6): return True elif smb.ismatrix(v, (4, 4)): # maybe be an se(3) if not smb.iszerovec(v.diagonal()): # check diagonal is zero return False if not smb.iszerovec(v[3, :]): # check bottom row is zero return False if check and not smb.isskew(v[:3, :3]): # top left 3x3 is skew symmetric return False return True return False
# ------------------------ properties ---------------------------# @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the object's internal array representation :return: (6,) :rtype: tuple """ return (6,) @property def N(self): """ Dimension of the object's group :return: dimension :rtype: int Dimension of the group is 3 for ``Twist3`` and corresponds to the dimension of the space (3D in this case) to which these rigid-body motions apply. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> x = Twist3() >>> x.N """ return 3 @property def v(self): """ Moment vector of twist :return: Moment vector :rtype: ndarray(3) ``X.v`` is a 3-vector representing the moment vector of the twist. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> t = Twist3([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> t.v """ return[0][:3] @property def w(self): """ Direction vector of twist :return: Direction vector :rtype: ndarray(3) ``X.w`` is a 3-vector representing the direction vector of the twist. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> t = Twist3([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> t.w """ return[0][3:6] # -------------------- variant constructors ----------------------------#
[docs] @classmethod def UnitRevolute(cls, a, q, pitch=None): """ Construct a new 3D rotational unit twist :param a: Twist axis or line of action :type a: array_like(3) :param q: Point on the line of action :type q: array_like(3) :param p: pitch, defaults to None :type p: float, optional :return: a rotational or helical twist :rtype: Twist instance A revolute twist with a line of action in the z-direction and passing through (1, 2, 0) would be: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Revolute([0, 0, 1], [1, 2, 0]) """ w = smb.unitvec(smb.getvector(a, 3)) v = -np.cross(w, smb.getvector(q, 3)) if pitch is not None: v = v + pitch * w return cls(v, w)
[docs] @classmethod def UnitPrismatic(cls, a): """ Construct a new 3D unit prismatic twist :param a: Twist axis or line of action :type a: array_like(3) :return: a prismatic twist :rtype: Twist instance A prismatic twist with a line of action in the z-direction would be: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Prismatic([0, 0, 1]) """ w = np.r_[0, 0, 0] v = smb.unitvec(smb.getvector(a, 3)) return cls(v, w)
[docs] @classmethod def Rx(cls, theta, unit="rad"): """ Create a new 3D twist for pure rotation about the X-axis :param θ: rotation angle about X-axis :type θ: float :param unit: angular units: 'rad' [default], or 'deg' :type unit: str :return: 3D twist vector :rtype: Twist3 instance - ``Twist3.Rx(θ)`` is an SE(3) rotation of θ radians about the x-axis - ``Twist3.Rx(θ, "deg")`` as above but θ is in degrees If ``θ`` is an array then the result is a sequence of rotations defined by consecutive elements. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Rx(0.3) >>> Twist3.Rx([0.3, 0.4]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms3d.trotx` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[0, 0, 0, x, 0, 0] for x in smb.getunit(theta, unit=unit)])
[docs] @classmethod def Ry(cls, theta, unit="rad", t=None): """ Create a new 3D twist for pure rotation about the Y-axis :param θ: rotation angle about X-axis :type θ: float :param unit: angular units: 'rad' [default], or 'deg' :type unit: str :return: 3D twist vector :rtype: Twist3 instance - ``Twist3.Ry(θ)`` is an SO(3) rotation of θ radians about the y-axis - ``Twist3.Ry(θ, "deg")`` as above but θ is in degrees If ``θ`` is an array then the result is a sequence of rotations defined by consecutive elements. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Ry(0.3) >>> Twist3.Ry([0.3, 0.4]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms3d.troty` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[0, 0, 0, 0, x, 0] for x in smb.getunit(theta, unit=unit)])
[docs] @classmethod def Rz(cls, theta, unit="rad", t=None): """ Create a new 3D twist for pure rotation about the Z-axis :param θ: rotation angle about Z-axis :type θ: float :param unit: angular units: 'rad' [default], or 'deg' :type unit: str :return: 3D twist vector :rtype: Twist3 instance - ``Twist3.Rz(θ)`` is an SO(3) rotation of θ radians about the z-axis - ``Twist3.Rz(θ, "deg")`` as above but θ is in degrees If ``θ`` is an array then the result is a sequence of rotations defined by consecutive elements. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Rz(0.3) >>> Twist3.Rz([0.3, 0.4]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms3d.trotz` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, x] for x in smb.getunit(theta, unit=unit)])
[docs] @classmethod def RPY(cls, *pos, **kwargs): r""" Create a new 3D twist from roll-pitch-yaw angles :param 𝚪: roll-pitch-yaw angles :type 𝚪: array_like or numpy.ndarray with shape=(N,3) :param unit: angular units: 'rad' [default], or 'deg' :type unit: str :param order: rotation order: 'zyx' [default], 'xyz', or 'yxz' :type order: str :return: 3D twist vector :rtype: Twist3 instance - ``Twist3.RPY(𝚪)`` is a 3D rotation defined by a 3-vector of roll, pitch, yaw angles :math:`\Gamma=(r, p, y)` which correspond to successive rotations about the axes specified by ``order``: - ``'zyx'`` [default], rotate by yaw about the z-axis, then by pitch about the new y-axis, then by roll about the new x-axis. This is the **convention** for a mobile robot with x-axis forward and y-axis sideways. - ``'xyz'``, rotate by yaw about the x-axis, then by pitch about the new y-axis, then by roll about the new z-axis. This is the **convention** for a robot gripper with z-axis forward and y-axis between the gripper fingers. - ``'yxz'``, rotate by yaw about the y-axis, then by pitch about the new x-axis, then by roll about the new z-axis. This is the **convention** for a camera with z-axis parallel to the optical axis and x-axis parallel to the pixel rows. If ``𝚪`` is an Nx3 matrix then the result is a sequence of rotations each defined by RPY angles corresponding to the rows of ``𝚪``. - ``Twist3.RPY(⍺, β, 𝛾)`` as above but the angles are provided as three scalars. Foo bar! Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.RPY(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) >>> Twist3.RPY([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) >>> Twist3.RPY(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, order='xyz') >>> Twist3.RPY(10, 20, 30, unit='deg') :seealso: :meth:`~spatialmath.SE3.RPY` :SymPy: supported """ from spatialmath.pose3d import SE3 T = SE3.RPY(*pos, **kwargs) return cls(T)
[docs] @classmethod def Tx(cls, x): """ Create a new 3D twist for pure translation along the X-axis :param x: translation distance along the X-axis :type x: float :return: 3D twist vector :rtype: Twist3 instance ``Twist3.Tx(x)`` is an se(3) translation of ``x`` along the x-axis Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Tx(2) >>> Twist3.Tx([2,3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms3d.transl` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for _x in smb.getvector(x)], check=False)
[docs] @classmethod def Ty(cls, y): """ Create a new 3D twist for pure translation along the Y-axis :param y: translation distance along the Y-axis :type y: float :return: 3D twist vector :rtype: Twist3 instance ``Twist3.Ty(y)`` is an se(3) translation of ``y`` along the y-axis Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Ty(2) >>> Twist3.Ty([2, 3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms3d.transl` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[0, _y, 0, 0, 0, 0] for _y in smb.getvector(y)], check=False)
[docs] @classmethod def Tz(cls, z): """ Create a new 3D twist for pure translation along the Z-axis :param z: translation distance along the Z-axis :type z: float :return: 3D twist vector :rtype: Twist3 instance ``Twist3.Tz(z)`` is an se(3) translation of ``z`` along the z-axis Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Tz(2) >>> Twist3.Tz([2, 3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms3d.transl` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[0, 0, _z, 0, 0, 0] for _z in smb.getvector(z)], check=False)
[docs] @classmethod def Rand( cls, *, xrange=(-1, 1), yrange=(-1, 1), zrange=(-1, 1), N=1 ): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Create a new random 3D twist :param xrange: x-axis range [min,max], defaults to [-1, 1] :type xrange: 2-element sequence, optional :param yrange: y-axis range [min,max], defaults to [-1, 1] :type yrange: 2-element sequence, optional :param zrange: z-axis range [min,max], defaults to [-1, 1] :type zrange: 2-element sequence, optional :param N: number of random transforms :type N: int :return: SE(3) matrix :rtype: SE3 instance Return an SE3 instance with random rotation and translation. - ``SE3.Rand()`` is a random SE(3) translation. - ``SE3.Rand(N=N)`` is an SE3 object containing a sequence of N random poses. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> Twist3.Rand(N=2) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.quaternions.UnitQuaternion.Rand` """ from spatialmath.pose3d import SO3 X = np.random.uniform( low=xrange[0], high=xrange[1], size=N ) # random values in the range Y = np.random.uniform( low=yrange[0], high=yrange[1], size=N ) # random values in the range Z = np.random.uniform( low=yrange[0], high=zrange[1], size=N ) # random values in the range R = SO3.Rand(N=N) def _twist(x, y, z, r): T = smb.transl(x, y, z) @ smb.r2t(r.A) return smb.trlog(T, twist=True) return cls( [_twist(x, y, z, r) for (x, y, z, r) in zip(X, Y, Z, R)], check=False )
# ------------------------- methods -------------------------------#
[docs] def printline(self, **kwargs): return self.SE3().printline(**kwargs)
[docs] def unit(self): """ Unit twist - ``S.unit()`` is a Twist2 objec3 representing a unit twist aligned with the Twist ``S``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 0.3) >>> S = Twist3(T) >>> S.unit() """ if smb.iszerovec(self.w): # rotational twist return Twist3(self.S / smb.norm(S.w)) else: # prismatic twist return Twist3(smb.unitvec(self.v), [0, 0, 0])
[docs] def ad(self): """ Logarithm of adjoint of 3D twist :return: logarithm of adjoint matrix :rtype: ndarray(6,6) ```` is the 6x6 logarithm of the adjoint matrix of the corresponding homogeneous transformation. For a twist representing motion from frame {B} to {A}, the adjoint will transform a twist relative to frame {A} to one relative to frame {B}. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> S = Twist3.Rx(0.3) >>> .. note:: An alternative approach to computing the adjoint is to exponentiate this 6x6 matrix. :seealso: :func:`Twist3.Ad` """ return np.block( [ [smb.skew(self.w), smb.skew(self.v)], [np.zeros((3, 3)), smb.skew(self.w)], ] )
[docs] def Ad(self): """ Adjoint of 3D twist :return: adjoint matrix :rtype: ndarray(6,6) ``S.Ad()`` is the 6x6 adjoint matrix of the corresponding homogeneous transformation. For a twist representing motion from frame {B} to {A}, the adjoint will transform a twist relative to frame {A} to one relative to frame {B}. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> S = Twist3.Rx(0.3) >>> S.Ad() .. note:: This method computes the equivalent SE(3) matrix, then the adjoint of that. :seealso: :func:``, :func:`Twist3.SE3`, :func:`Twist3.exp` """ return self.SE3().Ad()
[docs] def skewa(self): """ Convert 3D twist to se(3) :return: An se(3) matrix :rtype: ndarray(4,4) ``X.skewa()`` is the twist as a 4x4 augmented skew-symmetric matrix belonging to the group se(3). This is the Lie algebra of the corresponding SE(3) element. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3, base >>> S = Twist3.Rx(0.3) >>> se = S.skewa() >>> se >>> smb.trexp(se) """ if len(self) == 1: return smb.skewa(self.S) else: return [smb.skewa(x.S) for x in self]
@property def pitch(self): """ Pitch of a 3D twist :return: the pitch of the twist :rtype: float ``X.pitch()`` is the pitch of the twist as a scalar in units of distance per radian. If we consider the twist as a screw, this is the distance of translation along the screw axis for a one radian rotation about the screw axis. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 3) * SE3.Rx(0.3) >>> S = Twist3(T) >>> S.pitch """ return, self.v)
[docs] def line(self): """ Line of action of 3D twist as a Plucker line :return: the 3D line of action :rtype: Line instance ``X.line()`` is a Plucker object representing the line of the twist axis. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 3) * SE3.Rx(0.3) >>> S = Twist3(T) >>> S.line() """ return Line3([Line3(-tw.v + tw.pitch * tw.w, tw.w) for tw in self])
@property def pole(self): """ Pole of a 3D twist :return: the pole of the twist :rtype: ndarray(3) ``X.pole()`` is a point on the twist axis. For a pure translation this point is at infinity. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 3) * SE3.Rx(0.3) >>> S = Twist3(T) >>> S.pole """ return np.cross(self.w, self.v) / self.theta
[docs] def SE3(self, theta=1, unit="rad"): """ Convert 3D twist to SE(3) matrix :return: an SE(3) representation :rtype: SE3 instance ``S.SE3()`` is an SE3 object representing the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the Twist3. This is the exponentiation of the twist vector. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> S = Twist3.Rx(0.3) >>> S.SE3() :seealso: :func:`Twist3.exp` """ from spatialmath.pose3d import SE3 theta = smb.getunit(theta, unit) if len(theta) == 1: # theta is a scalar return SE3(smb.trexp(self.S * theta)) else: # theta is a vector if len(self) == 1: return SE3([smb.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta]) elif len(self) == len(theta): return SE3([smb.trexp(S * t) for S, t in zip(, theta)]) else: raise ValueError("length of twist and theta not consistent")
[docs] def exp(self, theta=1, unit="rad"): """ Exponentiate a 3D twist :param theta: rotation magnitude, defaults to None :type theta: float, optional :param units: rotational units, defaults to 'rad' :type units: str, optional :return: SE(3) matrix :rtype: SE3 instance - ``X.exp()`` is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist, :math:`e^{[S]}` - ``X.exp(θ) as above but with a rotation of ``θ`` about the twist axis, :math:`e^{\theta[S]}` If ``len(X)==1`` and ``len(θ)==N`` then the resulting SE3 object has ``N`` values equivalent to the twist :math:`e^{\theta_i[S]}`. If ``len(X)==N`` and ``len(θ)==1`` then the resulting SE3 object has ``N`` values equivalent to the twist :math:`e^{\theta[S_i]}`. If ``len(X)==N`` and ``len(θ)==N`` then the resulting SE3 object has ``N`` values equivalent to the twist :math:`e^{\theta_i[S_i]}`. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 3) * SE3.Rx(0.3) >>> S = Twist3(T) >>> S.exp(0) >>> S.exp(1) .. note:: - For the second form, the twist must, if rotational, have a unit rotational component. :seealso: :func:`spatialmath.smb.trexp` """ from spatialmath.pose3d import SE3 theta = smb.getunit(theta, unit) if len(self) == 1: return SE3([smb.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta], check=False) elif len(self) == len(theta): return SE3([smb.trexp(s * t) for s, t in zip(self.S, theta)], check=False) else: raise ValueError("length mismatch")
# ------------------------- arithmetic -------------------------------#
[docs] def __mul__( left, right ): # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Overloaded ``*`` operator :arg left: left multiplicand :arg right: right multiplicand :return: product :raises: ValueError Twist composition or scaling: - ``X * Y`` compounds the twists ``X`` and ``Y`` - ``X * s`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s`` - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s`` ======== ==================== =================== ======================== Multiplicands Product ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- left right type operation ======== ==================== =================== ======================== Twist3 Twist3 Twist3 product of exponentials Twist3 scalar Twist3 element-wise product scalar Twist3 Twist3 element-wise product Twist3 SE3 Twist3 exponential x SE3 ======== ==================== =================== ======================== .. note:: #. scalar x Twist is handled by ``__rmul__`` #. scalar multiplication is commutative but the result is not a group operation so the result will be a matrix #. Any other input combinations result in a ValueError. For pose composition the ``left`` and ``right`` operands may be a sequence ========= ========== ==== ================================ len(left) len(right) len operation ========= ========== ==== ================================ 1 1 1 ``prod = left * right`` 1 M M ``prod[i] = left * right[i]`` N 1 M ``prod[i] = left[i] * right`` M M M ``prod[i] = left[i] * right[i]`` ========= ========== ==== ================================ """ from spatialmath.pose3d import SE3 # TODO TW * T compounds a twist with an SE2/3 transformation if isinstance(right, Twist3): # twist composition -> Twist return Twist3( left.binop( right, lambda x, y: smb.trlog(smb.trexp(x) @ smb.trexp(y), twist=True), ) ) elif isinstance(right, SE3): # twist * SE3 -> SE3 return SE3(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: smb.trexp(x) @ y), check=False) elif smb.isscalar(right): # return Twist(left.S * right) return Twist3(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: x * y)) else: raise ValueError("twist *, incorrect right operand")
def __rmul__( right, left ): # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Overloaded ``*`` operator :arg right: right multiplicand :arg left: left multiplicand :return: product :raises: NotImplemented Left-multiplication by a scalar - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s`` """ if smb.isscalar(left): return Twist3(right.S * left) else: raise ValueError("Twist3 *, incorrect left operand") def __str__(self): """ Pretty string representation of 3D twist :return: readable representation of the twist :rtype: str Convert the twist's value to an array of numbers. Example: .. runblock: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> x = Twist3.R([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) >>> print(x) """ return "\n".join( [ "({:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g}; {:.5g} {:.5g} {:.5g})".format( *list(smb.removesmall(tw.S)) ) for tw in self ] ) def __repr__(self): """ Readable representation of 3D twist :return: readable representation of a twist as a list of arrays :rtype: str Example: .. runblock: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist3 >>> x = Twist3.R([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) >>> x >>> a.append(a) >>> a """ if len(self) == 0: return "Twist([])" elif len(self) == 1: return "Twist3([{:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}])".format( *list(self.S) ) else: return ( "Twist3([\n" + ",\n".join( [ " [{:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}]".format( *list(tw) ) for tw in ] ) + "\n])" ) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): """ Pretty string for IPython :param p: pretty printer handle (ignored) :param cycle: pretty printer flag (ignored) Print colorized output when variable is displayed in IPython, ie. on a line by itself. """ if len(self) == 1: p.text(str(self)) else: for i, x in enumerate(self): if i > 0: p.break_() p.text(f"{i:3d}: {str(x)}")
# ======================================================================== #
[docs]class Twist2(BaseTwist):
[docs] def __init__(self, arg=None, w=None, check=True): r""" Construct a new 2D Twist object :type a: 2-element array-like :return: 2D prismatic twist :rtype: Twist2 instance - ``Twist2(R)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation expressed as a 2x2 matrix. - ``Twist2(T)`` is a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) rigid-body motion expressed as a 3x3 matrix. - ``Twist2(X)`` if X is an SO2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SO(2) rotation, and if X is an SE2 instance then create a 2D Twist object representing the SE(2) motion - ``Twist2(V)`` is a 2D Twist object specified directly by a 3-element array-like comprising the moment vector (1 element) and direction vector (2 elements). :References: - Robotics, Vision & Control for Python, Section, P. Corke, Springer 2023. - Modern Robotics, Lynch & Park, Cambridge 2017 .. note:: Compared to Lynch & Park this module implements twist vectors with the translational components first, followed by rotational components, ie. :math:`[\omega, \vec{v}]`. """ from spatialmath.pose2d import SE2 super().__init__() if w is None: # zero or one arguments passed if super().arghandler(arg, convertfrom=(SE2,), check=check): return elif w is not None and smb.isscalar(w) and smb.isvector(arg, 2): # Twist(v, w) = [np.r_[arg, w]] return raise ValueError("bad twist value")
# ------------------------ SMUserList required ---------------------------# @staticmethod def _identity(): return np.zeros((3,)) @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the object's interal array representation :return: (3,) :rtype: tuple """ return (3,) def _import(self, value, check=True): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and self.isvalid(value, check=check): if value.shape == (3, 3): # it's an se(2) return smb.vexa(value) elif value.shape == (3,): # it's a twist vector return value elif smb.ishom2(value, check=check): return smb.trlog2(value, twist=True, check=False) raise TypeError("bad type passed")
[docs] @staticmethod def isvalid(v, check=True): """ Test if matrix is valid twist :param x: array to test :type x: ndarray :return: Whether the value is a 3-vector or a valid 3x3 se(2) element :rtype: bool A twist can be represented by a 6-vector or a 4x4 skew symmetric matrix, for example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2, base >>> import numpy as np >>> Twist2.isvalid([1, 2, 3]) >>> a = smb.skewa([1, 2, 3]) >>> a >>> Twist2.isvalid(a) >>> Twist2.isvalid(np.random.rand(3,3)) """ if smb.isvector(v, 3): return True elif smb.ismatrix(v, (3, 3)): # maybe be an se(2) if not smb.iszerovec(v.diagonal()): # check diagonal is zero return False if not smb.iszerovec(v[2, :]): # check bottom row is zero return False if check and not smb.isskew(v[:2, :2]): # top left 2x2 is skew symmetric return False return True return False
# -------------------- variant constructors ----------------------------#
[docs] @classmethod def UnitRevolute(cls, q): """ Construct a new 2D revolute unit twist :param q: Point on the line of action :type q: array_like(2) :return: 2D prismatic twist :rtype: Twist2 instance - ``Twist2.Revolute(q)`` is a 2D Twist object representing rotation about the 2D point ``q``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> Twist2.Revolute([0, 1]) """ q = smb.getvector(q, 2) v = -np.cross(np.r_[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], np.r_[q, 0.0]) return cls(v[:2], 1)
[docs] @classmethod def UnitPrismatic(cls, a): """ Construct a new 2D primsmatic unit twist :param a: Displacment :type a: array-like(2) :return: 2D prismatic twist :rtype: Twist2 instance - ``Twist2.Prismatic(a)`` is a 2D Twist object representing 2D-translation in the direction ``a``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> Twist2.Prismatic([1, 2]) """ w = 0 v = smb.unitvec(smb.getvector(a, 2)) return cls(v, w)
# ------------------------ properties ---------------------------# @property def N(self): """ Dimension of the object's group :return: dimension :rtype: int Dimension of the group is 2 for ``Twist2`` and corresponds to the dimension of the space (2D in this case) to which these rigid-body motions apply. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> x = Twist2() >>> x.N """ return 2 @property def v(self): """ Moment vector of twist :return: Moment vector :rtype: ndarray(2) ``X.v`` is a 2-vector representing the moment vector of the twist. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> t = Twist2([1, 2, 3]) >>> t.v """ return[0][:2] @property def w(self): """ Direction vector of twist :return: Direction vector :rtype: float ``X.w`` is a scalar representing the direction "vector" of the twist. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> t = Twist2([1, 2, 3]) >>> t.w """ return[0][2] @property def pole(self): """ Pole of a 2D twist :return: the pole of the twist :rtype: ndarray(2) ``X.pole()`` is a point on the twist axis. For a pure translation this point is at infinity. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE2(1, 2, 0.3) >>> S = Twist2(T) >>> S.pole() """ p = np.cross(np.r_[0, 0, self.w], np.r_[self.v, 0]) / self.theta return p[:2] # ------------------------- methods -------------------------------#
[docs] def printline(self, **kwargs): return self.SE2().printline(**kwargs)
[docs] def SE2(self, theta=1, unit="rad"): """ Convert 2D twist to SE(2) matrix :return: an SE(2) representation :rtype: SE3 instance ``S.SE2()`` is an SE2 object representing the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the Twist2. This is the exponentiation of the twist vector. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> S = Twist2.Prismatic([1,2]) >>> S.SE2() :seealso: :func:`Twist3.exp` """ from spatialmath.pose2d import SE2 if unit != "rad" and self.isprismatic: print("Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist") theta = smb.getunit(theta, unit) if len(theta) == 1: return SE2(smb.trexp2(self.S * theta)) else: return SE2([smb.trexp2(self.S * t) for t in theta])
[docs] def skewa(self): """ Convert 2D twist to se(2) :return: An se(2) matrix :rtype: ndarray(3,3) ``X.skewa()`` is the twist as a 3x3 augmented skew-symmetric matrix belonging to the group se(2). This is the Lie algebra of the corresponding SE(2) element. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2, base >>> S = Twist2([1,2,3]) >>> se = S.skewa() >>> se >>> smb.trexp2(se) """ if len(self) == 1: return smb.skewa(self.S) else: return [smb.skewa(x.S) for x in self]
[docs] def exp(self, theta=1, unit="rad"): r""" Exponentiate a 2D twist :param theta: rotation magnitude, defaults to None :type theta: float, optional :param unit: rotational units, defaults to 'rad' :type unit: str, optional :return: SE(2) matrix :rtype: SE2 instance - ``X.exp()`` is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist, :math:`e^{[S]}` - ``X.exp(θ) as above but with a rotation of ``θ`` about the twist axis, :math:`e^{\theta[S]}` Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE2, Twist2 >>> T = SE2(1, 2, 0.3) >>> S = Twist2(T) >>> S.exp(0) >>> S.exp(1) .. note:: - For the second form, the twist must, if rotational, have a unit rotational component. :seealso: :func:`spatialmath.smb.trexp2` """ from spatialmath.pose2d import SE2 theta = smb.getunit(theta, unit) if len(self) == 1: return SE2([smb.trexp2(self.S * t) for t in theta], check=False) elif len(self) == len(theta): return SE2([smb.trexp2(s * t) for s, t in zip(self.S, theta)], check=False) else: raise ValueError("length mismatch")
[docs] def unit(self): """ Unit twist - ``S.unit()`` is a Twist2 object representing a unit twist aligned with the Twist ``S``. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE2(1, 2, 0.3) >>> S = Twist2(T) >>> S.unit() """ if smb.iszerovec(self.w): # rotational twist return Twist2(self.S / smb.norm(S.w)) else: # prismatic twist return Twist2(smb.unitvec(self.v), [0, 0, 0])
@property def ad(self): """ Logarithm of adjoint - ```` is the logarithm of the adjoint matrix of the corresponding homogeneous transformation. Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3 >>> T = SE2(1, 2, 0.3) >>> S = Twist2(T) >>> S.unit() :seealso: SE3.Ad. """ return np.array( [ [smb.skew(self.w), smb.skew(self.v)], [np.zeros((3, 3)), smb.skew(self.w)], ] )
[docs] @classmethod def Tx(cls, x): """ Create a new 2D twist for pure translation along the X-axis :param x: translation distance along the X-axis :type x: float :return: 2D twist vector :rtype: Twist2 instance `Twist2.Tx(x)` is an se(2) translation of ``x`` along the x-axis Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> Twist2.Tx(2) >>> Twist2.Tx([2,3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms2d.transl2` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[_x, 0, 0] for _x in smb.getvector(x)], check=False)
[docs] @classmethod def Ty(cls, y): """ Create a new 2D twist for pure translation along the Y-axis :param y: translation distance along the Y-axis :type y: float :return: 2D twist vector :rtype: Twist2 instance `Twist2.Ty(y) is an se(2) translation of ``y`` along the y-axis Example: .. runblock:: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> Twist2.Ty(2) >>> Twist2.Ty([2, 3]) :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.smb.transforms2d.transl2` :SymPy: supported """ return cls([np.r_[0, _y, 0] for _y in smb.getvector(y)], check=False)
[docs] def __mul__( left, right ): # lgtm[py/not-named-self] pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Overloaded ``*`` operator :arg left: left multiplicand :arg right: right multiplicand :return: product :raises: ValueError - ``X * Y`` compounds the twists ``X`` and ``Y`` - ``X * s`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s`` - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s`` ======== ==================== =================== ======================== Multiplicands Product ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- left right type operation ======== ==================== =================== ======================== Twist2 Twist2 Twist2 product of exponentials Twist2 scalar Twist2 element-wise product scalar Twist2 Twist2 element-wise product Twist2 SE2 Twist2 exponential x SE2 ======== ==================== =================== ======================== .. note:: #. scalar x Twist is handled by ``__rmul__`` #. scalar multiplication is commutative but the result is not a group operation so the result will be a matrix #. Any other input combinations result in a ValueError. For pose composition the ``left`` and ``right`` operands may be a sequence ========= ========== ==== ================================ len(left) len(right) len operation ========= ========== ==== ================================ 1 1 1 ``prod = left * right`` 1 M M ``prod[i] = left * right[i]`` N 1 M ``prod[i] = left[i] * right`` M M M ``prod[i] = left[i] * right[i]`` ========= ========== ==== ================================ """ from spatialmath.pose2d import SE2 if isinstance(right, Twist2): # twist composition -> Twist return Twist2( left.binop( right, lambda x, y: smb.trlog2(smb.trexp2(x) @ smb.trexp2(y), twist=True), ) ) elif isinstance(right, SE2): # twist * SE2 -> SE2 return SE2(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: smb.trexp2(x) @ y), check=False) elif smb.isscalar(right): # return Twist(left.S * right) return Twist2(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: x * y)) else: raise ValueError("Twist2 *, incorrect right operand")
def __rmul(self, left): if smb.isscalar(left): return Twist2(self.S * left) else: raise ValueError("twist *, incorrect left operand") def __str__(self): """ Pretty string representation of 2D twist :return: readable representation of the twist :rtype: str Convert the twist's value to an array of numbers. Example: .. runblock: pycon >>> x = Twist2([1,2,3]) >>> print(x) """ return "\n".join(["({:.5g} {:.5g}; {:.5g})".format(*list(tw.S)) for tw in self]) def __repr__(self): """ Readable representation of 2D twist :return: readable representation of a twist as a list of arrays :rtype: str Example: .. runblock: pycon >>> from spatialmath import Twist2 >>> x = Twist2([1,2,3]) >>> x >>> a.append(a) >>> a """ if len(self) == 1: return "Twist2([{:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}])".format(*list(self.S)) else: return ( "Twist2([\n" + ",\n".join( [" [{:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}}]".format(*list(tw.S)) for tw in self] ) + "\n])" ) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): """ Pretty string for IPython :param p: pretty printer handle (ignored) :param cycle: pretty printer flag (ignored) Print colorized output when variable is displayed in IPython, ie. on a line by itself. """ if len(self) == 1: p.text(str(self)) else: for i, x in enumerate(self): if i > 0: p.break_() p.text(f"{i:3d}: {str(x)}")
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover import pathlib exec( open( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "" ).read() ) # pylint: disable=exec-used