Source code for

import math
from itertools import product
import warnings
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors

from spatialmath import base as smb
from spatialmath.base.types import *

# To assist code portability to headless platforms, these graphics primitives
# are defined as null functions.

Set of functions to draw 2D and 3D graphical primitives using matplotlib.

The 2D functions all allow color and line style to be specified by a fmt string
like, 'r' or 'b--'.

The 3D functions require explicity arguments to set properties, like color='b'

All return a list of the graphic objects they create.


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.patches import Circle
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import (
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    # TODO
    # return a redrawer object, that can be used for animation

    # =========================== 2D shapes =================================== #

    def plot_text(
        pos: ArrayLike2,
        text: str,
        ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None,
        color: Optional[Color] = None,
    ) -> List[plt.Artist]:
        Plot text using matplotlib

        :param pos: position of text
        :type pos: array_like(2)
        :param text: text
        :type text: str
        :param ax: axes to draw in, defaults to ``gca()``
        :type ax: Axis, optional
        :param color: text color, defaults to None
        :type color: str or array_like(3), optional
        :param kwargs: additional arguments passed to ``pyplot.text()``
        :return: the matplotlib object
        :rtype: list of Text instance


            >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_text
            >>> plotvol2(5)
            >>> plot_text((1,3), 'foo')
            >>> plot_text((2,2), 'bar', color='b')
            >>> plot_text((2,2), 'baz', fontsize=14, horizontalalignment='centre')

        .. plot::

            from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_text
            ax = plotvol2(5)
            plot_text((0,0), 'foo')
            plot_text((1,1), 'bar', color='b')
            plot_text((2,2), 'baz', fontsize=14, horizontalalignment='center')

        :seealso: :func:`plot_point`

        defaults = {"horizontalalignment": "left", "verticalalignment": "center"}
        for k, v in defaults.items():
            if k not in kwargs:
                kwargs[k] = v
        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()

        handle = ax.text(pos[0], pos[1], text, color=color, **kwargs)
        return [handle]

[docs] def plot_point( pos: ArrayLike2, marker: Optional[str] = "bs", text: Optional[str] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, textargs: Optional[dict] = None, textcolor: Optional[Color] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot a point using matplotlib :param pos: position of marker :type pos: array_like(2), ndarray(2,n), list of 2-tuples :param marker: matplotlub marker style, defaults to 'bs' :type marker: str or list of str, optional :param text: text label, defaults to None :type text: str, optional :param ax: axes to plot in, defaults to ``gca()`` :type ax: Axis, optional :return: the matplotlib object :rtype: list of Text and Line2D instances Plot one or more points, with optional text label. - The color of the marker can be different to the color of the text, the marker color is specified by a single letter in the marker string. - A point can have multiple markers, given as a list, which will be overlaid, for instance ``["rx", "ro"]`` will give a ⨂ symbol. - The optional text label is placed to the right of the marker, and vertically aligned. - Multiple points can be marked if ``pos`` is a 2xn array or a list of coordinate pairs. In this case: - all points have the same ``text`` label - ``text`` can include the format string {} which is susbstituted for the point index, starting at zero - ``text`` can be a tuple containing a format string followed by vectors of shape(n). For example:: ``("#{0} a={1:.1f}, b={2:.1f}", a, b)`` will label each point with its index (argument 0) and consecutive elements of ``a`` and ``b`` which are arguments 1 and 2 respectively. Example:: >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_text >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_point((0, 0)) # plot default marker at coordinate (1,2) >>> plot_point((1,1), 'r*') # plot red star at coordinate (1,2) >>> plot_point((2,2), 'r*', 'foo') # plot red star at coordinate (1,2) and label it as 'foo' .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_text ax = plotvol2(5) plot_point((0, 0)) plot_point((1,1), 'r*') plot_point((2,2), 'r*', 'foo') ax.grid() Plot red star at points defined by columns of ``p`` and label them sequentially from 0:: >>> p = np.random.uniform(size=(2,10), low=-5, high=5) >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_point(p, 'r*', '{0}') .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_point import numpy as np p = np.random.uniform(size=(2,10), low=-5, high=5) ax = plotvol2(5) plot_point(p, 'r*', '{0}') ax.grid() Plot red star at points defined by columns of ``p`` and label them all with successive elements of ``z`` >>> p = np.random.uniform(size=(2,10), low=-5, high=5) >>> value = np.random.uniform(size=(1,10)) >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_point(p, 'r*', ('{1:.2f}', value)) .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_point import numpy as np p = np.random.uniform(size=(2,10), low=-5, high=5) value = np.random.uniform(size=(10,)) ax = plotvol2(5) plot_point(p, 'r*', ('{1:.2f}', value)) ax.grid() :seealso: :func:`plot_text` """ defaults = {"horizontalalignment": "left", "verticalalignment": "center"} if isinstance(pos, np.ndarray): if pos.ndim == 1: x = pos[0] y = pos[1] elif pos.ndim == 2 and pos.shape[0] == 2: x = pos[0, :] y = pos[1, :] elif isinstance(pos, (tuple, list)): # [x, y] # [(x,y), (x,y), ...] # [xlist, ylist] # [xarray, yarray] if smb.islistof(pos, (tuple, list)): x = [z[0] for z in pos] y = [z[1] for z in pos] elif smb.islistof(pos, np.ndarray): x = pos[0] y = pos[1] else: x = pos[0] y = pos[1] textopts = { "fontsize": 12, "horizontalalignment": "left", "verticalalignment": "center", } if textargs is not None: textopts = {**textopts, **textargs} if textcolor is not None and "color" not in textopts: textopts["color"] = textcolor if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() handles = [] if isinstance(marker, (list, tuple)): for m in marker: handles.append(ax.plot(x, y, m, **kwargs)) else: handles.append(ax.plot(x, y, marker, **kwargs)) if text is not None: try: xy = zip(x, y) except TypeError: xy = [(x, y)] if isinstance(text, str): # simple string, but might have format chars for i, (x, y) in enumerate(xy): handles.append(ax.text(x, y, " " + text.format(i), **textopts)) elif isinstance(text, (tuple, list)): ( fmt, *values, ) = text # unpack (fmt, values...) values is iterable, one per point for i, (x, y) in enumerate(xy): handles.append( ax.text( x, y, " " + fmt.format(i, *[d[i] for d in values]), **textopts, ) ) return handles
[docs] def plot_homline( lines: Union[ArrayLike3, NDArray], *args, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, xlim: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, ylim: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: r""" Plot homogeneous lines using matplotlib :param lines: homgeneous line or lines :type lines: array_like(3), ndarray(3,N) :param ax: axes to plot in, defaults to ``gca()`` :type ax: Axis, optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot`` :return: matplotlib object :rtype: list of Line2D instances Draws the 2D line given in homogeneous form :math:`\ell[0] x + \ell[1] y + \ell[2] = 0` in the current 2D axes. .. warning: A set of 2D axes must exist in order that the axis limits can be obtained. The line is drawn from edge to edge. If ``lines`` is a 3xN array then ``N`` lines are drawn, one per column. Example:: >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_homline >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_homline((1, -2, 3)) >>> plot_homline((1, -2, 3), 'k--') # dashed black line .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_homline ax = plotvol2(5) plot_homline((1, -2, 3)) plot_homline((1, -2, 3), 'k--') # dashed black line ax.grid() :seealso: :func:`plot_arrow` """ ax = axes_logic(ax, 2) # get plot limits from current graph if xlim is None: xlim = np.r_[ax.get_xlim()] if ylim is None: ylim = np.r_[ax.get_ylim()] # if lines.ndim == 1: # lines = lines. lines = smb.getmatrix(lines, (3, None)) handles = [] for line in lines.T: # for each column if abs(line[1]) > abs(line[0]): y = (-line[2] - line[0] * xlim) / line[1] ax.plot(xlim, y, *args, **kwargs) else: x = (-line[2] - line[1] * ylim) / line[0] handles.append(ax.plot(x, ylim, *args, **kwargs)) return handles
def plot_box( *fmt: Optional[str], lbrt: Optional[ArrayLike4] = None, lrbt: Optional[ArrayLike4] = None, lbwh: Optional[ArrayLike4] = None, bbox: Optional[ArrayLike4] = None, ltrb: Optional[ArrayLike4] = None, lb: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, lt: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, rb: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, rt: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, wh: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, centre: Optional[ArrayLike2] = None, w: Optional[float] = None, h: Optional[float] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, filled: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot a 2D box using matplotlib :param lb: left-bottom corner, defaults to None :type lb: array_like(2), optional :param lt: left-top corner, defaults to None :type lt: array_like(2), optional :param rb: right-bottom corner, defaults to None :type rb: array_like(2), optional :param rt: right-top corner, defaults to None :type rt: array_like(2), optional :param wh: width and height, if both are the same provide scalar, defaults to None :type wh: scalar, array_like(2), optional :param centre: centre of box, defaults to None :type centre: array_like(2), optional :param w: width of box, defaults to None :type w: float, optional :param h: height of box, defaults to None :type h: float, optional :param ax: the axes to draw on, defaults to ``gca()`` :type ax: Axis, optional :param bbox: bounding box matrix, defaults to None :type bbox: array_like(4), optional :param color: box outline color :type color: array_like(3) or str :param fillcolor: box fill color :type fillcolor: array_like(3) or str :param alpha: transparency, defaults to 1 :type alpha: float, optional :param thickness: line thickness, defaults to None :type thickness: float, optional :return: the matplotlib object :rtype: Patch.Rectangle instance The box can be specified in many ways: - bounding box [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] - alternative box [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] - centre and width+height - left-bottom and right-top corners - left-bottom corner and width+height - right-top corner and width+height - left-top corner and width+height For plots where the y-axis is inverted (eg. for images) then top is the smaller vertical coordinate. Example:: >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_box("b--", centre=(2, 3), wh=1) # w=h=1 >>> plot_box(lt=(0, 0), rb=(3, -2), filled=True, color="r") .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_box ax = plotvol2(5) plot_box("b--", centre=(2, 3), wh=1) # w=h=1 plot_box(lt=(0, 0), rb=(3, -2), filled=True, hatch="/", edgecolor="k", color="r") ax.grid() """ if wh is not None: if smb.isscalar(wh): w, h = wh, wh else: w, h = wh # test for various 4-coordinate versions if bbox is not None: lb = bbox[:2] w, h = bbox[2:] elif lbwh is not None: lb = lbwh[:2] w, h = lbwh[2:] elif lbrt is not None: lb = lbrt[:2] rt = lbrt[2:] w, h = rt[0] - lb[0], rt[1] - lb[1] elif lrbt is not None: lb = (lrbt[0], lrbt[2]) rt = (lrbt[1], lrbt[3]) w, h = rt[0] - lb[0], rt[1] - lb[1] elif ltrb is not None: lb = (ltrb[0], ltrb[3]) rt = (ltrb[2], ltrb[1]) w, h = rt[0] - lb[0], rt[1] - lb[1] elif w is not None and h is not None: # we have width & height, one corner is enough if centre is not None: lb = (centre[0] - w / 2, centre[1] - h / 2) elif lt is not None: lb = (lt[0], lt[1] - h) elif rt is not None: lb = (rt[0] - w, rt[1] - h) elif rb is not None: lb = (rb[0] - w, rb[1]) else: # we need two opposite corners if lb is not None and rt is not None: w = rt[0] - lb[0] h = rt[1] - lb[1] elif lt is not None and rb is not None: lb = (lt[0], rb[1]) w = rb[0] - lt[0] h = lt[1] - rb[1] else: raise ValueError("cant compute box") if w < 0: raise ValueError("width must be positive") if h < 0: raise ValueError("height must be positive") # we only need lb, wh ax = axes_logic(ax, 2) if filled: r = plt.Rectangle(lb, w, h, fill=True, clip_on=True, **kwargs) else: ec = None ls = "" if len(fmt) > 0: colors = "rgbcmywk" for f in fmt[0]: if f in colors: ec = f else: ls += f if ls == "": ls = None if "color" in kwargs: ec = kwargs["color"] del kwargs["color"] r = plt.Rectangle( lb, w, h, clip_on=True, linestyle=ls, edgecolor=ec, fill=False, **kwargs ) ax.add_patch(r) return r def plot_arrow( start: ArrayLike2, end: ArrayLike2, label: Optional[str] = None, label_pos: str = "above:0.5", ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: r""" Plot 2D arrow :param start: start point, arrow tail :type start: array_like(2) :param end: end point, arrow head :type end: array_like(2) :param label: arrow label text, optional :type label: str :param label_pos: position of arrow label "above|below:fraction", optional :type label_pos: str :param ax: axes to draw into, defaults to None :type ax: Axes, optional :param kwargs: argumetns to pass to :class:`matplotlib.patches.Arrow` Draws an arrow from ``start`` to ``end``. A ``label``, if given, is drawn above or below the arrow. The position of the label is controlled by ``label_pos`` which is of the form ``"position:fraction"`` where ``position`` is either ``"above"`` or ``"below"`` the arrow, and ``fraction`` is a float between 0 (tail) and 1 (head) indicating the distance along the arrow where the label will be placed. The text is suitably justified to not overlap the arrow. Example:: >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_arrow >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_arrow((-2, 2), (2, 4), color='r', width=0.1) # red arrow >>> plot_arrow((4, 1), (2, 4), color='b', width=0.1) # blue arrow .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_arrow ax = plotvol2(5) plot_arrow((-2, 2), (3, 4), color='r', width=0.1) # red arrow plot_arrow((4, 1), (3, 4), color='b', width=0.1) # blue arrow ax.grid() Example:: >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_arrow >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_arrow((-2, -2), (2, 4), label=r"$\mathit{p}_3$", color='r', width=0.1) .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_arrow ax = plotvol2(5) ax.grid() plot_arrow( (-2, -2), (2, 4), label="$\mathit{p}_3$", color="r", width=0.1 ) :seealso: :func:`plot_homline` """ ax = axes_logic(ax, 2) dx = end[0] - start[0] dy = end[1] - start[1] ax.arrow( start[0], start[1], dx, dy, length_includes_head=True, **kwargs, ) if label is not None: # add a label label_pos = label_pos.split(":") if label_pos[0] == "below": above = False try: fraction = float(label_pos[1]) except: fraction = 0.5 theta = np.arctan2(dy, dx) quadrant = theta // (np.pi / 2) pos = [start[0] + fraction * dx, start[1] + fraction * dy] if quadrant in (0, 2): # quadrants 1 and 3, line is sloping up to right or down to left opt = {"verticalalignment": "bottom", "horizontalalignment": "right"} label = label + " " else: # quadrants 2 and 4, line is sloping up to left or down to right opt = {"verticalalignment": "top", "horizontalalignment": "left"} label = " " + label ax.text(*pos, label, **opt)
[docs] def plot_polygon( vertices: NDArray, *fmt, close: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot polygon :param vertices: vertices :type vertices: ndarray(2,N) :param close: close the polygon, defaults to False :type close: bool, optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to Patch :return: Matplotlib artist :rtype: line or patch Example:: >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_polygon >>> plotvol2(5) >>> vertices = np.array([[-1, 2, -1], [1, 0, -1]]) >>> plot_polygon(vertices, filled=True, facecolor='g') # green filled triangle .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_polygon ax = plotvol2(5) vertices = np.array([[-1, 2, -1], [1, 0, -1]]) plot_polygon(vertices, filled=True, facecolor='g') # green filled triangle ax.grid() """ if close: vertices = np.hstack((vertices, vertices[:, [0]])) return _render2D(vertices, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
def _render2D( vertices: NDArray, pose=None, filled: Optional[bool] = False, color: Optional[Color] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, fmt: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: ax = axes_logic(ax, 2) if pose is not None: vertices = pose * vertices if filled: if color is not None: kwargs["facecolor"] = color kwargs["edgecolor"] = color r = plt.Polygon(vertices.T, closed=True, **kwargs) ax.add_patch(r) else: if color is not None: kwargs["color"] = color r = plt.plot(vertices[0, :], vertices[1, :], *fmt, **kwargs) return r def circle( centre: ArrayLike2 = (0, 0), radius: float = 1, resolution: int = 50, closed: bool = False, ) -> Points2: """ Points on a circle :param centre: centre of circle, defaults to (0, 0) :type centre: array_like(2), optional :param radius: radius of circle, defaults to 1 :type radius: float, optional :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50 :type resolution: int, optional :param closed: perimeter is closed, last point == first point, defaults to False :type closed: bool :return: points on circumference :rtype: ndarray(2,N) or ndarray(3,N) Returns a set of ``resolution`` that lie on the circumference of a circle of given ``center`` and ``radius``. If ``len(centre)==3`` then the 3D coordinates are returned, where the circle lies in the xy-plane and the z-coordinate comes from ``centre[2]``. .. note:: By default returns a unit circle centred at the origin. """ if closed: resolution += 1 u = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, resolution, endpoint=closed) x = radius * np.cos(u) + centre[0] y = radius * np.sin(u) + centre[1] if len(centre) == 3: z = np.full(x.shape, centre[2]) return np.array((x, y, z)) else: return np.array((x, y)) def plot_circle( radius: float, centre: ArrayLike2, *fmt: Optional[str], resolution: Optional[int] = 50, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, filled: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot a circle using matplotlib :param centre: centre of circle, defaults to (0,0) :type centre: array_like(2), optional :param args: :param radius: radius of circle :type radius: float :param resolution: number of points on circumference, defaults to 50 :type resolution: int, optional :return: the matplotlib object :rtype: list of Line2D or Patch.Polygon Plot or more circles. If ``centre`` is a 3xN array, then each column is taken as the centre of a circle. All circles have the same radius, color etc. Example:: >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_circle >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_circle(1, (0,0), 'r') # red circle >>> plot_circle(2, (1, 2), 'b--') # blue dashed circle >>> plot_circle(0.5, (3,4), filled=True, facecolor='y') # yellow filled circle .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_circle ax = plotvol2(5) plot_circle(1, (0,0), 'r') # red circle plot_circle(2, (1, 2), 'b--') # blue dashed circle plot_circle(0.5, (3,4), filled=True, facecolor='y') # yellow filled circle ax.grid() """ centres = smb.getmatrix(centre, (2, None)) ax = axes_logic(ax, 2) handles = [] for centre in centres.T: xy = circle(centre, radius, resolution, closed=not filled) if filled: patch = plt.Polygon(xy.T, **kwargs) handles.append(ax.add_patch(patch)) else: handles.append(ax.plot(xy[0, :], xy[1, :], *fmt, **kwargs)) return handles def ellipse( E: R2x2, centre: Optional[ArrayLike2] = (0, 0), scale: Optional[float] = 1, confidence: Optional[float] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = 40, inverted: Optional[bool] = False, closed: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Points2: r""" Points on ellipse :param E: ellipse :type E: ndarray(2,2) :param centre: ellipse centre, defaults to (0,0,0) :type centre: tuple, optional :param scale: scale factor for the ellipse radii :type scale: float :param confidence: if E is an inverse covariance matrix plot an ellipse for this confidence interval in the range [0,1], defaults to None :type confidence: float, optional :param resolution: number of points on circumferance, defaults to 40 :type resolution: int, optional :param inverted: if :math:`\mat{E}^{-1}` is provided, defaults to False :type inverted: bool, optional :param closed: perimeter is closed, last point == first point, defaults to False :type closed: bool :raises ValueError: [description] :return: points on circumference :rtype: ndarray(2,N) The ellipse is defined by :math:`x^T \mat{E} x = s^2` where :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^2` and :math:`s` is the scale factor. .. note:: For some common cases we require :math:`\mat{E}^{-1}`, for example - for robot manipulability :math:`\nu (\mat{J} \mat{J}^T)^{-1} \nu` i - a covariance matrix :math:`(x - \mu)^T \mat{P}^{-1} (x - \mu)` so to avoid inverting ``E`` twice to compute the ellipse, we flag that the inverse is provided using ``inverted``. """ from scipy.linalg import sqrtm if E.shape != (2, 2): raise ValueError("ellipse is defined by a 2x2 matrix") if confidence: from scipy.stats.distributions import chi2 # process the probability s = math.sqrt(chi2.ppf(confidence, df=2)) * scale else: s = scale xy = circle(resolution=resolution, closed=closed) # unit circle if not inverted: E = np.linalg.inv(E) e = s * sqrtm(E) @ xy + np.array(centre, ndmin=2).T return e def plot_ellipse( E: R2x2, centre: ArrayLike2, *fmt: Optional[str], scale: Optional[float] = 1, confidence: Optional[float] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = 40, inverted: Optional[bool] = False, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, filled: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: r""" Plot an ellipse using matplotlib :param E: matrix describing ellipse :type E: ndarray(2,2) :param centre: centre of ellipse, defaults to (0, 0) :type centre: array_like(2), optional :param scale: scale factor for the ellipse radii :type scale: float :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 40 :type resolution: int, optional :return: the matplotlib object :rtype: Line2D or Patch.Polygon The ellipse is defined by :math:`x^T \mat{E} x = s^2` where :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^2` and :math:`s` is the scale factor. .. note:: For some common cases we require :math:`\mat{E}^{-1}`, for example - for robot manipulability :math:`\nu (\mat{J} \mat{J}^T)^{-1} \nu` i - a covariance matrix :math:`(x - \mu)^T \mat{P}^{-1} (x - \mu)` so to avoid inverting ``E`` twice to compute the ellipse, we flag that the inverse is provided using ``inverted``. Returns a set of ``resolution`` that lie on the circumference of a circle of given ``center`` and ``radius``. Example: >>> from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_ellipse >>> plotvol2(5) >>> plot_ellipse(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2]]), [0,0], 'r') # red ellipse >>> plot_ellipse(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2]]), [1, 2], 'b--') # blue dashed ellipse >>> plot_ellipse(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2]]), [-2, -1], filled=True, facecolor='y') # yellow filled ellipse .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plotvol2, plot_ellipse ax = plotvol2(5) plot_ellipse(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2]]), [0,0], 'r') # red ellipse plot_ellipse(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2]]), [1, 2], 'b--') # blue dashed ellipse plot_ellipse(np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2]]), [-2, -1], filled=True, facecolor='y') # yellow filled ellipse ax.grid() """ # allow for centre[2] to plot ellipse in a plane in a 3D plot xy = ellipse(E, centre, scale, confidence, resolution, inverted, closed=True) ax = axes_logic(ax, 2) if filled: patch = plt.Polygon(xy.T, **kwargs) ax.add_patch(patch) else: plt.plot(xy[0, :], xy[1, :], *fmt, **kwargs) # =========================== 3D shapes =================================== # def sphere( radius: Optional[float] = 1, centre: Optional[ArrayLike2] = (0, 0, 0), resolution: Optional[int] = 50, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray]: """ Points on a sphere :param centre: centre of sphere, defaults to (0, 0, 0) :type centre: array_like(3), optional :param radius: radius of sphere, defaults to 1 :type radius: float, optional :param resolution: number of points ``N`` on circumferece, defaults to 50 :type resolution: int, optional :return: X, Y and Z braid matrices :rtype: 3 x ndarray(N, N) .. note:: By default returns a unit sphere centred at the origin. :seealso: :func:`plot_sphere`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ theta_range = np.linspace(0, np.pi, resolution) phi_range = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, resolution) Phi, Theta = np.meshgrid(phi_range, theta_range) x = radius * np.sin(Theta) * np.cos(Phi) + centre[0] y = radius * np.sin(Theta) * np.sin(Phi) + centre[1] z = radius * np.cos(Theta) + centre[2] return (x, y, z) def plot_sphere( radius: float, centre: Optional[ArrayLike3] = (0, 0, 0), pose: Optional[SE3Array] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = 50, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot a sphere using matplotlib :param centre: centre of sphere, defaults to (0, 0, 0) :type centre: array_like(3), ndarray(3,N), optional :param radius: radius of sphere, defaults to 1 :type radius: float, optional :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50 :type resolution: int, optional :param pose: pose of sphere, defaults to None :type pose: SE3, optional :param ax: axes to draw into, defaults to None :type ax: Axes3D, optional :param filled: draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False :type filled: bool, optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_wireframe`` or ``plot_surface`` :return: matplotlib collection :rtype: list of Line3DCollection or Poly3DCollection Plot one or more spheres. If ``centre`` is a 3xN array, then each column is taken as the centre of a sphere. All spheres have the same radius, color etc. Example:: >>> from spatialmath.base import plot_sphere >>> plot_sphere(radius=1, color="r", resolution=10) # red sphere wireframe >>> plot_sphere(radius=1, centre=(1,1,1), filled=True, facecolor='b') .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plot_sphere, plotvol3 plotvol3(2) plot_sphere(radius=1, color='r', resolution=5) # red sphere wireframe .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plot_sphere, plotvol3 plotvol3(5) plot_sphere(radius=1, centre=(1,1,1), filled=True, facecolor='b') :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ ax = axes_logic(ax, 3) centre = smb.getmatrix(centre, (3, None)) handles = [] for c in centre.T: X, Y, Z = sphere(centre=c, radius=radius, resolution=resolution) handles.append(_render3D(ax, X, Y, Z, pose=pose, **kwargs)) return handles def ellipsoid( E: R2x2, centre: Optional[ArrayLike3] = (0, 0, 0), scale: Optional[float] = 1, confidence: Optional[float] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = 40, inverted: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray]: r""" Points on an ellipsoid :param centre: centre of ellipsoid, defaults to (0, 0, 0) :type centre: array_like(3), optional :param scale: scale factor for the ellipse radii :type scale: float :param confidence: confidence interval, range 0 to 1 :type confidence: float :param resolution: number of points ``N`` on circumferece, defaults to 40 :type resolution: int, optional :param inverted: :math:`E^{-1}` rather than :math:`E` provided, defaults to False :type inverted: bool, optional :return: X, Y and Z braid matrices :rtype: 3 x ndarray(N, N) The ellipse is defined by :math:`x^T \mat{E} x = s^2` where :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^3` and :math:`s` is the scale factor. .. note:: For some common cases we require :math:`\mat{E}^{-1}`, for example - for robot manipulability :math:`\nu (\mat{J} \mat{J}^T)^{-1} \nu` i - a covariance matrix :math:`(x - \mu)^T \mat{P}^{-1} (x - \mu)` so to avoid inverting ``E`` twice to compute the ellipse, we flag that the inverse is provided using ``inverted``. :seealso: :func:`plot_ellipsoid`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ from scipy.linalg import sqrtm if E.shape != (3, 3): raise ValueError("ellipsoid is defined by a 3x3 matrix") if confidence: # process the probability from scipy.stats.distributions import chi2 s = math.sqrt(chi2.ppf(confidence, df=3)) * scale else: s = scale if not inverted: E = np.linalg.inv(E) x, y, z = sphere() # unit sphere centre = smb.getvector(centre, 3, out="col") e = ( scale * sqrtm(E) @ np.array([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()]) + centre ) return ( e[0, :].reshape(x.shape), e[1, :].reshape(x.shape), e[2, :].reshape(x.shape), ) def plot_ellipsoid( E: R3x3, centre: Optional[ArrayLike3] = (0, 0, 0), scale: Optional[float] = 1, confidence: Optional[float] = None, resolution: Optional[int] = 40, inverted: Optional[bool] = False, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: r""" Draw an ellipsoid using matplotlib :param E: ellipsoid :type E: ndarray(3,3) :param centre: [description], defaults to (0,0,0) :type centre: tuple, optional :param scale: :type scale: :param confidence: confidence interval, range 0 to 1 :type confidence: float :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 40 :type resolution: int, optional :param inverted: :math:`E^{-1}` rather than :math:`E` provided, defaults to False :type inverted: bool, optional :param ax: [description], defaults to None :type ax: [type], optional :param wireframe: [description], defaults to False :type wireframe: bool, optional :param stride: [description], defaults to 1 :type stride: int, optional ``plot_ellipsoid(E)`` draws the ellipsoid defined by :math:`x^T \mat{E} x = 0` on the current plot. Example:: >>> plot_ellipsoid(np.diag([1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 0], color="r", resolution=10); # draw red ellipsoid .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plot_ellipsoid, plotvol3 import numpy as np plotvol3(4) plot_ellipsoid(np.diag([1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 0], color="r", resolution=5); # draw red ellipsoid .. note:: - If a confidence interval is given then ``E`` is interpretted as a covariance matrix and the ellipse size is computed using an inverse chi-squared function. :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ X, Y, Z = ellipsoid(E, centre, scale, confidence, resolution, inverted) ax = axes_logic(ax, 3) handle = _render3D(ax, X, Y, Z, **kwargs) return [handle] def cylinder( center_x: float, center_y: float, radius: float, height_z: float, resolution: Optional[int] = 50, ) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray]: """ Points on a cylinder :param centre: centre of cylinder, defaults to (0, 0, 0) :type centre: array_like(3), optional :param radius: radius of cylinder :type radius: float :param height: height of cylinder in the z-direction :type height: float or array_like(2) :param resolution: number of points on circumference, defaults to 50 :param centre: position of centre :param pose: pose of sphere, defaults to None :type pose: SE3, optional :return: X, Y and Z braid matrices :rtype: 3 x ndarray(N, N) The axis of the cylinder is parallel to the z-axis and extends from z=0 to z=height, or z=height[0] to z=height[1]. The cylinder can be positioned by setting ``centre``, or positioned and orientated by setting ``pose``. :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ Z = np.linspace(0, height_z, radius) theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, radius) theta_grid, z_grid = np.meshgrid(theta, z) X = radius * np.cos(theta_grid) + center_x Y = radius * np.sin(theta_grid) + center_y return X, Y, Z # # def plot_cylinder( radius: float, height: Union[float, ArrayLike2], resolution: Optional[int] = 50, centre: Optional[ArrayLike3] = (0, 0, 0), ends=False, pose: Optional[SE3Array] = None, ax=None, filled=False, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot a cylinder using matplotlib :param radius: radius of cylinder :type radius: float :param height: height of cylinder in the z-direction :type height: float or array_like(2) :param resolution: number of points on circumference, defaults to 50 :param centre: position of centre :param pose: pose of cylinder, defaults to None :type pose: SE3, optional :param ax: axes to draw into, defaults to None :type ax: Axes3D, optional :param filled: draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False :type filled: bool, optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_wireframe`` or ``plot_surface`` :return: matplotlib objects :rtype: list of matplotlib object types The axis of the cylinder is parallel to the z-axis and extends from z=0 to z=height, or z=height[0] to z=height[1]. The cylinder can be positioned by setting ``centre``, or positioned and orientated by setting ``pose``. Example:: >>> plot_cylinder(radius=1, height=(1,3)) .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plot_cylinder, plotvol3 plotvol3(5) plot_cylinder(radius=1, height=(1,3)) :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ if smb.isscalar(height): height = [0, height] ax = axes_logic(ax, 3) x = np.linspace(centre[0] - radius, centre[0] + radius, resolution) z = height X, Z = np.meshgrid(x, z) Y = ( np.sqrt(radius**2 - (X - centre[0]) ** 2) + centre[1] ) # Pythagorean theorem handles = [] handles.append(_render3D(ax, X, Y, Z, filled=filled, pose=pose, **kwargs)) handles.append( _render3D(ax, X, (2 * centre[1] - Y), Z, filled=filled, pose=pose, **kwargs) ) if ends and kwargs.get("filled", default=False): # TODO: this should handle the pose argument, zdir can be a 3-tuple floor = Circle(centre[:2], radius, **kwargs) handles.append(ax.add_patch(floor)) pathpatch_2d_to_3d(floor, z=height[0], zdir="z") ceiling = Circle(centre[:2], radius, **kwargs) handles.append(ax.add_patch(ceiling)) pathpatch_2d_to_3d(ceiling, z=height[1], zdir="z") return handles def plot_cone( radius: float, height: float, resolution: Optional[int] = 50, flip: Optional[bool] = False, centre: Optional[ArrayLike3] = (0, 0, 0), ends: Optional[bool] = False, pose: Optional[SE3Array] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, filled: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot a cone using matplotlib :param radius: radius of cone at open end :param height: height of cone in the z-direction :param resolution: number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50 :param flip: cone faces upward, defaults to False :param ends: add a surface for the base of the cone :param pose: pose of cone, defaults to None :type pose: SE3, optional :param ax: axes to draw into, defaults to None :param filled: draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False :type filled: bool, optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_wireframe`` or ``plot_surface`` :return: matplotlib objects :rtype: list of matplotlib object types The axis of the cone is parallel to the z-axis and it is drawn pointing down. The point is at z=0 and the open end at z= ``height``. If ``flip`` is True then the cone faces upwards, the point is at z= ``height`` and the open end at z=0. The cylinder can be positioned by setting ``centre``, or positioned and orientated by setting ``pose``. Example:: >>> plot_cone(radius=1, height=2) .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plot_cone, plotvol3 plotvol3(5) plot_cone(radius=1, height=2) :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ ax = axes_logic(ax, 3) # # Set up the grid in polar coords theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, resolution) r = np.linspace(0, radius, resolution) T, R = np.meshgrid(theta, r) # Then calculate X, Y, and Z X = R * np.cos(T) + centre[0] Y = R * np.sin(T) + centre[1] Z = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) / radius * height + centre[2] if flip: Z = height - Z handles = [] handles.append(_render3D(ax, X, Y, Z, pose=pose, filled=filled, **kwargs)) handles.append( _render3D(ax, X, (2 * centre[1] - Y), Z, pose=pose, filled=filled, **kwargs) ) if ends and kwargs.get("filled", default=False): floor = Circle(centre[:2], radius, **kwargs) handles.append(ax.add_patch(floor)) pathpatch_2d_to_3d(floor, z=height[0], zdir="z") ceiling = Circle(centre[:2], radius, **kwargs) handles.append(ax.add_patch(ceiling)) pathpatch_2d_to_3d(ceiling, z=height[1], zdir="z") return handles def plot_cuboid( sides: ArrayLike3 = (1, 1, 1), centre: Optional[ArrayLike3] = (0, 0, 0), pose: Optional[SE3Array] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, filled: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[plt.Artist]: """ Plot a cuboid (3D box) using matplotlib :param sides: side lengths, defaults to 1 :type sides: array_like(3), optional :param centre: centre of box, defaults to (0, 0, 0) :type centre: array_like(3), optional :param pose: pose of sphere, defaults to None :type pose: SE3, optional :param ax: axes to draw into, defaults to None :type ax: Axes3D, optional :param filled: draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False :type filled: bool, optional :param kwargs: arguments passed to ``plot_wireframe`` or ``plot_surface`` :return: matplotlib collection :rtype: Line3DCollection or Poly3DCollection Example:: >>> plot_cone(radius=1, height=2) .. plot:: from spatialmath.base import plot_cuboid, plotvol3 plotvol3(5) plot_cuboid(sides=(3,2,1), centre=(0,1,2)) :seealso: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_surface`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot_wireframe` """ vertices = ( np.array( list( product( [-sides[0], sides[0]], [-sides[1], sides[1]], [-sides[2], sides[2]], ) ) ) / 2 + centre ) vertices = vertices.T if pose is not None: vertices = smb.homtrans(pose.A, vertices) ax = axes_logic(ax, 3) # plot sides if filled: # show faces faces = [ [0, 1, 3, 2], [4, 5, 7, 6], # YZ planes [0, 1, 5, 4], [2, 3, 7, 6], # XZ planes [0, 2, 6, 4], [1, 3, 7, 5], # XY planes ] F = [[vertices[:, i] for i in face] for face in faces] collection = Poly3DCollection(F, **kwargs) ax.add_collection3d(collection) return collection else: edges = [[0, 1, 3, 2, 0], [4, 5, 7, 6, 4], [0, 4], [1, 5], [3, 7], [2, 6]] lines = [] for edge in edges: for line in zip(edge[:-1], edge[1:]): E = vertices[:, line] lines.append(E.T) if "color" in kwargs: if "alpha" in kwargs: alpha = kwargs["alpha"] del kwargs["alpha"] else: alpha = 1 kwargs["colors"] = colors.to_rgba(kwargs["color"], alpha) del kwargs["color"] collection = Line3DCollection(lines, **kwargs) ax.add_collection3d(collection) return collection def _render3D( ax: plt.Axes, X: NDArray, Y: NDArray, Z: NDArray, pose: Optional[SE3Array] = None, filled: Optional[bool] = False, color: Optional[Color] = None, **kwargs, ): # TODO: # handle pose in here # do the guts of plot_surface/wireframe but skip the auto scaling # have all 3d functions use this # rename all functions with 3d suffix sphere3d, box3d, ell if pose is not None: # long version: # xc = X.reshape((-1,)) # yc = Y.reshape((-1,)) # zc = Z.reshape((-1,)) # xyz = np.array((xc, yc, zc)) # xyz = pose * xyz # X = xyz[0, :].reshape(X.shape) # Y = xyz[1, :].reshape(Y.shape) # Z = xyz[2, :].reshape(Z.shape) # short version: xyz = pose * np.dstack((X, Y, Z)).reshape((-1, 3)).T X, Y, Z = np.squeeze(np.dsplit(xyz.T.reshape(X.shape + (3,)), 3)) if filled: return ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, color=color, **kwargs) else: kwargs["colors"] = color return ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, **kwargs) def _axes_dimensions(ax: plt.Axes) -> int: """ Dimensions of axes :param ax: axes :type ax: Axes3DSubplot or AxesSubplot :return: dimensionality of axes, either 2 or 3 :rtype: int """ if hasattr(ax, "name"): # handle the case of some kind of matplotlib Axes ret = 3 if == "3d" else 2 else: # handle the case of Animate objects pretending to be Axes classname = ax.__class__.__name__ if classname == "Animate": ret = 3 elif classname == "Animate2": ret = 2 # print("_axes_dimensions ", ax, ret) return ret def axes_get_limits(ax: plt.Axes) -> NDArray: return np.r_[ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()] def axes_get_scale(ax: plt.Axes) -> float: limits = axes_get_limits(ax) return max(abs(limits[1] - limits[0]), abs(limits[3] - limits[2])) @overload def axes_logic( ax: Union[plt.Axes, None], dimensions: int = 2, autoscale: Optional[bool] = True, new: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> plt.Axes: ... @overload def axes_logic( ax: Union[Axes3D, None], dimensions: int = 3, projection: Optional[str] = "ortho", autoscale: Optional[bool] = True, new: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Axes3D: ... def axes_logic( ax: Union[plt.Axes, Axes3D, None], dimensions: int, projection: Optional[str] = "ortho", autoscale: Optional[bool] = True, new: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Union[plt.Axes, Axes3D]: """ Axis creation logic :param ax: axes to draw in :type ax: Axes3DSubplot, AxesSubplot or None :param dimensions: required dimensionality, 2 or 3 :type dimensions: int :param projection: 3D projection type, defaults to 'ortho' :type projection: str, optional :param new: create a new figure, defaults to False :type new: bool :return: axes to draw in :rtype: Axes3DSubplot or AxesSubplot Given a request for axes with either 2 or 3 dimensions it checks for a match with the passed axes ``ax`` or the current axes. If the dimensions do not match, or no figure/axes currently exist, then ``plt.axes()`` is called to create one. If ``new`` is True then a new 3D axes is created regardless of whether the current axis is 3D. Used by all plot_xxx() functions in this module. """ # print(f"new axis logic ({dimensions}D): ", end='') if ax is None: # no axes passed in, find out what's happening # need to be careful to not use gcf() or gca() since they # auto create fig/axes if none exist nfigs = len(plt.get_fignums()) # print(f"there are {nfigs} figures") if nfigs > 0: # there are figures fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure naxes = len(fig.axes) # print(f"existing fig with {naxes} axes") if naxes > 0: ax = plt.gca() # get current axes # print(f"ax has {_axes_dimensions(ax)} dimensions") if _axes_dimensions(ax) == dimensions and not new: return ax # otherwise it doesnt exist or dimension mismatch, create new axes else: # print("ax given", ax) # axis was given if _axes_dimensions(ax) == dimensions: # print("use existing axes") return ax # print("mismatch in dimensions, create new axes") # print("create new axes") plt.figure() if dimensions == 2: ax = plt.axes() if autoscale: ax.autoscale() else: ax = plt.axes(projection="3d", proj_type=projection) # plt.axes(ax) return ax
[docs] def plotvol2( dim: ArrayLike = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, equal: Optional[bool] = True, grid: Optional[bool] = False, labels: Optional[bool] = True, new: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Create 2D plot area :param ax: axes of initializer, defaults to new subplot :type ax: AxesSubplot, optional :param equal: set aspect ratio to 1:1, default False :type equal: bool :return: initialized axes :rtype: AxesSubplot Initialize axes with dimensions given by ``dim`` which can be: ============== ====== ====== input xrange yrange ============== ====== ====== A (scalar) -A:A -A:A [A, B] A:B A:B [A, B, C, D] A:B C:D ============== ====== ====== :seealso: :func:`plotvol3`, :func:`expand_dims` """ ax = axes_logic(ax, 2, new=new) if dim is None: ax.autoscale(True) else: dims = expand_dims(dim, 2) ax.axis(dims) # if ax is None: # ax = plt.subplot() if labels: ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") if equal: ax.set_aspect("equal") if grid: ax.grid(True) ax.set_axisbelow(True) # signal to related functions that plotvol set the axis limits ax._plotvol = True return ax
[docs] def plotvol3( dim: ArrayLike = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, equal: Optional[bool] = True, grid: Optional[bool] = False, labels: Optional[bool] = True, projection: Optional[str] = "ortho", new: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Axes3D: """ Create 3D plot volume :param ax: axes of initializer, defaults to new subplot :type ax: Axes3DSubplot, optional :param equal: set aspect ratio to 1:1:1, default False :type equal: bool :return: initialized axes :rtype: Axes3DSubplot Initialize axes with dimensions given by ``dim`` which can be: ================== ====== ====== ======= input xrange yrange zrange ================== ====== ====== ======= A (scalar) -A:A -A:A -A:A [A, B] A:B A:B A:B [A, B, C, D, E, F] A:B C:D E:F ================== ====== ====== ======= :seealso: :func:`plotvol2`, :func:`expand_dims` """ # create an axis if none existing ax = axes_logic(ax, 3, projection=projection, new=new) if dim is None: ax.autoscale(True) else: dims = expand_dims(dim, 3) ax.set_xlim3d(dims[0], dims[1]) ax.set_ylim3d(dims[2], dims[3]) ax.set_zlim3d(dims[4], dims[5]) if labels: ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") ax.set_zlabel("Z") if equal: try: ax.set_box_aspect((1,) * 3) except AttributeError: # old version of MPL doesn't support this warnings.warn( "Current version of matplotlib does not support set_box_aspect()" ) if grid: ax.grid(True) # signal to related functions that plotvol set the axis limits ax._plotvol = True return ax
def expand_dims(dim: ArrayLike = None, nd: int = 2) -> NDArray: """ Expand compact axis dimensions :param dim: dimensions, defaults to None :type dim: scalar, array_like(2), array_like(4), array_like(6), optional :param nd: number of axes dimensions, defaults to 2 :type nd: int, optional :raises ValueError: bad arguments :return: 2d or 3d dimensions vector :rtype: ndarray(4) or ndarray(6) Compute bounding dimensions for plots from shorthand notation. If ``nd==2``, [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]: * A -> [-A, A, -A, A] * [A,B] -> [A, B, A, B] * [A,B,C,D] -> [A, B, C, D] If ``nd==3``, [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]: * A -> [-A, A, -A, A, -A, A] * [A,B] -> [A, B, A, B, A, B] * [A,B,C,D,E,F] -> [A, B, C, D, E, F] """ dim = smb.getvector(dim) if nd == 2: if len(dim) == 1: return np.r_[-dim, dim, -dim, dim] elif len(dim) == 2: return np.r_[dim[0], dim[1], dim[0], dim[1]] elif len(dim) == 4: return dim else: raise ValueError("bad dimension specified") elif nd == 3: if len(dim) == 1: return np.r_[-dim, dim, -dim, dim, -dim, dim] elif len(dim) == 2: return np.r_[dim[0], dim[1], dim[0], dim[1], dim[0], dim[1]] elif len(dim) == 6: return dim else: raise ValueError("bad dimension specified") else: raise ValueError("nd is 2 or 3") def isnotebook() -> bool: """ Determine if code is being run from a Jupyter notebook :references: - is-executed-in-the-ipython-notebook/39662359#39662359 """ try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter if __name__ == "__main__": import pathlib exec( open( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "base" / "" ).read() ) # pylint: disable=exec-used except ImportError: # pragma: no cover def plot_text(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_box(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_circle(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_ellipse(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_arrow(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_sphere(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_ellipsoid(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_text(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_cuboid(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_cone(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")
[docs] def plot_cylinder(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Matplotlib is not installed: pip install matplotlib")