3D graphics

3d graphical primitives which build on Matplotlib plot_wireframe and plot_surface.

plot_cone(radius, height, resolution=50, flip=False, centre=(0, 0, 0), ends=False, pose=None, ax=None, filled=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a cone using matplotlib

  • radius (float) – radius of cone at open end

  • height (float) – height of cone in the z-direction

  • resolution (Optional[int]) – number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50

  • flip (Optional[bool]) – cone faces upward, defaults to False

  • ends (Optional[bool]) – add a surface for the base of the cone

  • pose (SE3, optional) – pose of cone, defaults to None

  • ax (Optional[Axes]) – axes to draw into, defaults to None

  • filled (bool, optional) – draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False

  • kwargs – arguments passed to plot_wireframe or plot_surface


matplotlib objects

Return type:

list of matplotlib object types

The axis of the cone is parallel to the z-axis and it is drawn pointing down. The point is at z=0 and the open end at z= height. If flip is True then the cone faces upwards, the point is at z= height and the open end at z=0.

The cylinder can be positioned by setting centre, or positioned and orientated by setting pose.


>>> plot_cone(radius=1, height=2)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


plot_surface(), plot_wireframe()

plot_cuboid(sides=(1, 1, 1), centre=(0, 0, 0), pose=None, ax=None, filled=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a cuboid (3D box) using matplotlib

  • sides (array_like(3), optional) – side lengths, defaults to 1

  • centre (array_like(3), optional) – centre of box, defaults to (0, 0, 0)

  • pose (SE3, optional) – pose of sphere, defaults to None

  • ax (Axes3D, optional) – axes to draw into, defaults to None

  • filled (bool, optional) – draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False

  • kwargs – arguments passed to plot_wireframe or plot_surface


matplotlib collection

Return type:

Line3DCollection or Poly3DCollection


>>> plot_cone(radius=1, height=2)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


plot_surface(), plot_wireframe()

plot_cylinder(radius, height, resolution=50, centre=(0, 0, 0), ends=False, pose=None, ax=None, filled=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a cylinder using matplotlib

  • radius (float) – radius of cylinder

  • height (float or array_like(2)) – height of cylinder in the z-direction

  • resolution (Optional[int]) – number of points on circumference, defaults to 50

  • centre (Union[List, Tuple[float, float, float], ndarray[Any, dtype[TypeVar(ScalarType, bound= generic, covariant=True)]], None]) – position of centre

  • pose (SE3, optional) – pose of cylinder, defaults to None

  • ax (Axes3D, optional) – axes to draw into, defaults to None

  • filled (bool, optional) – draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False

  • kwargs – arguments passed to plot_wireframe or plot_surface


matplotlib objects

Return type:

list of matplotlib object types

The axis of the cylinder is parallel to the z-axis and extends from z=0 to z=height, or z=height[0] to z=height[1].

The cylinder can be positioned by setting centre, or positioned and orientated by setting pose.


>>> plot_cylinder(radius=1, height=(1,3))

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


plot_surface(), plot_wireframe()

plot_ellipsoid(E, centre=(0, 0, 0), scale=1, confidence=None, resolution=40, inverted=False, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Draw an ellipsoid using matplotlib

  • E (ndarray(3,3)) – ellipsoid

  • centre (tuple, optional) – [description], defaults to (0,0,0)

  • scale (Optional[float]) –

  • confidence (float) – confidence interval, range 0 to 1

  • resolution (int, optional) – number of points on circumferece, defaults to 40

  • inverted (bool, optional) – \(E^{-1}\) rather than \(E\) provided, defaults to False

  • ax ([type], optional) – [description], defaults to None

  • wireframe (bool, optional) – [description], defaults to False

  • stride (int, optional) – [description], defaults to 1

Return type:


plot_ellipsoid(E) draws the ellipsoid defined by \(x^T \mat{E} x = 0\) on the current plot.


>>> plot_ellipsoid(np.diag([1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 0], color="r", resolution=10); # draw red ellipsoid

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



  • If a confidence interval is given then E is interpretted as a covariance

matrix and the ellipse size is computed using an inverse chi-squared function.


plot_surface(), plot_wireframe()

plot_sphere(radius, centre=(0, 0, 0), pose=None, resolution=50, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a sphere using matplotlib

  • centre (array_like(3), ndarray(3,N), optional) – centre of sphere, defaults to (0, 0, 0)

  • radius (float, optional) – radius of sphere, defaults to 1

  • resolution (int, optional) – number of points on circumferece, defaults to 50

  • pose (SE3, optional) – pose of sphere, defaults to None

  • ax (Axes3D, optional) – axes to draw into, defaults to None

  • filled (bool, optional) – draw filled polygon, else wireframe, defaults to False

  • kwargs – arguments passed to plot_wireframe or plot_surface


matplotlib collection

Return type:

list of Line3DCollection or Poly3DCollection

Plot one or more spheres. If centre is a 3xN array, then each column is taken as the centre of a sphere. All spheres have the same radius, color etc.


>>> from spatialmath.base import plot_sphere
>>> plot_sphere(radius=1, color="r", resolution=10)   # red sphere wireframe
>>> plot_sphere(radius=1, centre=(1,1,1), filled=True, facecolor='b')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


plot_surface(), plot_wireframe()

plotvol3(dim=None, ax=None, equal=True, grid=False, labels=True, projection='ortho', new=False)[source]

Create 3D plot volume

  • ax (Axes3DSubplot, optional) – axes of initializer, defaults to new subplot

  • equal (bool) – set aspect ratio to 1:1:1, default False


initialized axes

Return type:


Initialize axes with dimensions given by dim which can be:





A (scalar)




[A, B]




[A, B, C, D, E, F]





plotvol2(), expand_dims()